pc or mac??

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Well-known member
May 2, 2005
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Sydney Australia
im having trouble deciding between getting a pc or a mac.
im gonna be using the computer for 99% recording and photoshoping, and i ve been told this is where macs excel, and there more stable then pc.
but some people tell me to get a pc because macs suck, because macs dont have as many programs as pc.

the mac i was looking into would be either the powermac g5 1.8 ghz, with 1gb of ram, and 250gb disk space, or the powermac dual 2ghz, with the same specs.

would that be a good computer for recording?and can you put the delta66 into it?

or is there a better pc which i should get??
i really want to find out all ican before i spend all my money, so if you have any input or anything to say, share your wisdom.
I've been researching this as well. The only software that the PC has a advantage is games, so people that tell you Macs suck are probably gamers. I've got a PC (Shuttle) for recording but am seriously thinking of getting either the Mac Mini or a used iBook. If I get the iBook I will probably use it with the band for some samples and a click track.

If you don't already have recording software the Mac come with Garage Band 2 and iMove. So you get recording software for free.

ned is correct. the people who tell you macs suck are usually gamers.
and as far as software goes, theyre right. however the games that
actually DO come out for mac, new macs handle them VERY well.
but this aint about games, its about recording and macs are AWESOME
for recording. theyre system architecture is perfect for it. very low latency.
get a mac, and drop as much money on the core system as you can.
i got a VERY decent pc for around a grand about almost two years ago
mainly for games. i bought all the parts seperately and assembled it.
very cheap. however, now all i do is record on it, but nothing pro.
so if you want to record, get the mac, and then a year later drop another
grand on a pc if you want some good game play.
my two cents.
Once I bought an Xbox there was no more gaming on my PC. Recording only. Next stop Mac-ville.

thanks alot!!
my dad jus recentluy got an i mac, and its soooooo much better then his pc, wich cost about the same. Its got garageband on it, and it looks like a pretty decent program, all i need for now.
im not really sure how macs work, like ive been told they dont have all these different cards for everything like pc does, like video cards, audio cards ect.
its all built in, so im not sure how you would put a delta 66 in. or if you can.
If you want to use the Delta66 you will need a Power Mac whic have PCI slots just a like a PC. M-Audio has Delta66 drivers for OSX.