overdrive noise on triple recto

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Jan 1, 2006
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alrighty. so i;ve always used a pedal for my distorstion threw my triple. but i dicided to mess around with the mesa distortion. now. at first i didnt' like it. but i fooled aorund for awhile and found awesome overdrive. now i find that anytime i'm pamming open d. man it just sounds like ****. it almost sounds like tis cracking...... so i looked at the bass. even if its all the way down.. it still does this. is thing because i'm not usuing a conditioner or noise stopper. i mean the feedback is HORRIBLE on this amp. soooooo bad. anyone else have these issues... and what did u do to solve them?
Is it a humming or buzzing type sound or is it microphonic (squealing)?

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Refer to your owners manual for sample settings, and how to operate your Triple Rectifier! Then toss your distortion pedal! :wink:
its both. at high volumes..... it'll squal if i don't hit the strings when guitar volume is up.... and it humms like a no tomorrow at high volumes... which i expected for the humming part. i dunno.. just he whole clarity of it. i can't give u any setting because i fool around with it alll the time. i dunno.. after i get a conditioner and other noise stopers. i'll let u know
Hogan96 said:
its both. at high volumes..... it'll squal if i don't hit the strings when guitar volume is up.... and it humms like a no tomorrow at high volumes... which i expected for the humming part. i dunno.. just he whole clarity of it. i can't give u any setting because i fool around with it alll the time. i dunno.. after i get a conditioner and other noise stopers. i'll let u know

It sounds like one of your power tubes is going microphonic on you.
ok. well, what does that mean. and how do i figure out with tube it is........ jesus i just bought the thing like 6 months ago. this is gay
Again, I suggest you refer to your owners manual! Specifically, the diagnostics and replacement of tubes. :idea:
What kind of guitar are you using? used a cheap telecaster with cheap pickups in it and it squealed like a little pig. It'll still squeal when I use a guitar with hot pickups if I'm facing the amp... I just don't face the amp when I have it cranked (I know which guitars now cause this).

If none of the other suggestions work, just for the heck of it try another guitar or stand farther away from your amp.

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