original iic+ bass cap value

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2009
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IMHO this is the only thing keeping the mkV from being the absolute perfect amp. Has anyone found out which cap they changed from the original eq'd version? It states in the manual that the mark IV mode uses the same cap as the original c+'s used. I love the bottom on iv but the mids and high tone on the iic+ is perfect. I'd be in heaven except for the choked bottom end. I wouldn't mind so much if there was a switch to put it to this new mode and back to original but to me it's like messing with perfection. You can turn the bass up to max on the eq but nothing can compensate for the lack of sub lows before the gain stage. It just changes the feel. For me it loses something.

so to sum up: the iic+ mode - I'd like to put the originial bass cap in like the iv mode has. Anyone know the position on the circuit board or the value of the original? Thanks.
I do not know , but after comparing the 2 for quite some time, I believe the IV mode is closer to the C+ geq than the C+ mode is, simply for the reasons you state-in the manual, the non eq small cap is called tighter and more urgent-I agree...and I also think the "fabled" C+ tone recognized by most as the geq C+
we got pretty darn close during our last comparison...then I hit the IV mode and the low mids appeared, a little darker character...it may be something you can fine tube with different tube combinations as well...I have tried a few diff. preamp tubes and it has helped out...check out this thread-
I agree. The IV mode is like a more modern IIc+. It has more low mids gain and a sweeter top end. It sounds great. That being said, it's not the same. If you listen to the IIc+ mode, you hear the chiming mids and perfect clarity like no other. The only thing is that it's so tight. I like it for some stuff but would prefer an original GEQ iic+ feel. I know a lot of people have been complaining about that. I think I see what mesa was doing. They are advancing the sound and the two modes compliment each other very well and would have great applications for recording, However, the original iic+ GEQ had a special and iconic sound and are to this day very rare. I think I speak for many of us when I say I was dissapointed that they changed the feel. All it would have taken is one switch to change the capacitor and give us the option for the Uber tightness or classic feel. So, I'm looking for the position and value of the capacitor so I can put it to classic and have both this new great Mark IV and the classic GEQ iic+ in one amp. The end all and be all. It will set a lot of minds at ease to know the the option is there.

If anyone knows someone at mesa, Please try to find out what cap it is.
according to the manual, the iv mode has the bigger cap, yes. However, it has other changes to the tone too so it's not the same. It's a bummer to have the original 2c+ in there but have one cap change that totally changes it. If you grew up watching the Metallica live box set every night and play the guitar because of them, the difference is everything.