Orange Channel Not Working on my 2ch recto

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Well-known member
May 18, 2005
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Hey guys,


It is with some sadness that I post this today :cry: .

My 2ch Blackface's Orange Channel is completely not working, at all.
The Red channel works 100% perfectly.

Let me describe the situation:

I bought this amp over the summer on ebay. It worked perfectly. Recently, I had to go record down in Miami. I packed up the amps in the car, but on the way down, I had an accident wherein my small SUV rolled over 6 times. My singer and I walked away unscathed. SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES! Apparently however, my blackface was not so lucky.

We had a show several days later. I was using the other blackface I have. The tubes blew a fuse, so to check if it truly was the tubes, I put these into the now broken blackface. The fuse blew there also. I got new fuses and took the stock Mesa tubes from my 3ch recto and put them in for the show. Everything worked fine. Note that I did not play with the now broken amp at the show; I played with my other blackface.

So one week ago I take these same stock Mesa 440's from the 3ch and put them in my now broken amp. I noticed the Orange channel would not work. Today, I played the amp again and the Orange channel didn't work again. I completely swapped out the pre-amp tubes with the relatively fresh tubes in my 3ch. Orange channel still not working.

So to recap:
-Red Channel works perfectly. Lots of high output.
-Orange Channel clean mode has ZERO output, no matter the tubes I use or the volumes I put, or how I move the knobs.
-Even with Loop engaged and output all the way, nothing
-Orange channel vintage and modern modes give a very weak output. Even if I max all the knobs, I can still talk over the volume it is producing.
-It's not the tubes! and it's not the guitar!
-I have tested flicking nearly every switch on the back...nothing works
-The same tubes work perfect with the other amps.

Any Ideas? All help is appreciated. thanks
i aam guessing you knocked some caps off the board when the car rolled, at any rate it will probably only be fixed by taking it to a good tech, it seems like somewhere the signal is not passing correctly and you have already eliminated the tubes.

good luck!
Pull the chassis and see if anything is damaged or not connected. But you will probably need to have a tech fix it up. If you don't have one in your area, contact boogie and they will give you an RA# so you can ship it to them.

Maybe one, or some of the LDR's aren't switching properly for some reason? Or a component unique to the Orange channel is damaged. It has to be something unique to the Orange channel.

What happens if you set the Orange channel to Modern?
53crew said:
Maybe one, or some of the LDR's aren't switching properly for some reason? Or a component unique to the Orange channel is damaged. It has to be something unique to the Orange channel.

What happens if you set the Orange channel to Modern?

Steve, if I set the Orange channel to either Vintage or Modern, I get some very low volume gain. Chords and notes sound out, but the volume is very very low, almost enough where I can talk. This happens even though I crank the knobs all the way to their max.

What exactly do you mean by LDR's?
LDR's are the relays that switch different parts of the circuit in and out...... Depending upon which channel you're using. Might be best to take it in and have a tech look at it.
thanks. I knew LDR's had something to do w/ switching from the little reading I've done about MIDI. Hopefully it's something as simple as that.

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