
The Boogie Board

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I had a Simul, Imbuya Mk IIC+ with an EV12L. My right arm is 1/2" longer from carrying it!!
I got a little luggarge cart for mine, & it's only a 60 watter. I dread outdoor gigs..Seriously, a good reason to switch to a head & cab.

A $20 aluminum dolly and a couple of bungy cords makes moving a Mesa combo a bunch easier.

IMO, A guitar player that can't move his own amp is worthless.

I'm a crippled guy and always move my own amp.

If an amateur guitar player can't move his/her amp, without needing physical therapy, they should pick a new hobby.

There's always a price to pay.
Imbuya mark III head and 2 Imbuya Thiele/EV + Les Paul=lotsa drinks..
This **** IS heavey...But well worth the scoliosis..
ax. 8)
I have a Mark IIC colliseum series and is heavy but what it takes te toll on me is the 4x12 Carvin cab copy of the mesa boogie (metal grill) with 4 black shadow 150 W each... that thing is heavey, when I used to play I took better the 4x12 marshall... was way more light...
Mahoner said:
IMO, A guitar player that can't move his own amp is worthless.

If an amateur guitar player can't move his/her amp, without needing physical therapy, they should pick a new hobby.
1). IMO, A guitar player that can't move his own amp is worthless.

What a truely idiotic thing to say, there are those among us who do truly have physical limitations that a cart won't cure. A cart won't lift my amp in and out of my vehicle, and it won't carry it up or down stairs.

2). If an amateur guitar player can't move his/her amp, without needing physical therapy, they should pick a new hobby.

Why? Who appointed you GOD? That's is absolutely one of THE most moronic statements I've ever read.
I gotta say that I've been a volunteer crew member for a public access TV show for many years. The show centers around folks that have different disabilities, and even though many of them could not carry an amp for example, I've seen talent, skill, and stamina exhibited many ways by so many amazing people. Please don't underestimate or sell someone short who may not be able to transport a piece of gear.

From time to time, I throw out my back from an old old injury, and it can happen just by twisting wrong. Fortunately, I've been able to move my own equipment thus far, but have supportive friends that would help in a heartbeat if it was needed. I'm not ready to lay down my guitar. :D
snowman3000 said:
Boogiebabies said:
It's more like OOOOOMMMPPPHHHHH !!!!!

I still have to realize what is this OMPH you guys are talking about! :oops:
put an SM57 in front your mouth.
press record.
try to lift your car.
listen to what you recorded.

get it? :D :D :wink: