I've got a 295 PowerAmp on which Channel A so far has :-
Melted 1 EVM12L
Blown 1 EVM12L
Deformed Voice Coil on another EVM12L so it now makes a horrendous noise.
Incidentally Channel B seems to be working fine (taking the same punishment and speakers are fine)
Things I have noticed (apart from blowing speakers up)
Channel A takes turning up to 2 before it produces any sound (whereas Channel B starts at 1.5)
Channel A doesn't sound so harmonically pleasing at any volume.
I've ruled out the my Studio Pre channels by swapping the inputs to the 295.
What Valve / Component in Channel A could be producing such violent distortion / transients to break these speakers ?
Any help appreciated
I've got a 295 PowerAmp on which Channel A so far has :-
Melted 1 EVM12L
Blown 1 EVM12L
Deformed Voice Coil on another EVM12L so it now makes a horrendous noise.
Incidentally Channel B seems to be working fine (taking the same punishment and speakers are fine)
Things I have noticed (apart from blowing speakers up)
Channel A takes turning up to 2 before it produces any sound (whereas Channel B starts at 1.5)
Channel A doesn't sound so harmonically pleasing at any volume.
I've ruled out the my Studio Pre channels by swapping the inputs to the 295.
What Valve / Component in Channel A could be producing such violent distortion / transients to break these speakers ?
Any help appreciated