Older 2 Channel Black Face Dual Rectifier

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New member
Jan 17, 2010
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Hi guys,

Last year I purchased an older Dual Rectifier (Two Channel) Boogie, it sounds awesome. My question that maybe someone can help me with is the revision. I keep reading online about this revision and that revision, how can you tell?? I'm sure it's the serial number...The one I have is a black diamond plate face with a chrome finish for the control panel. The serial number is in the low 4000's. Anyone know what revision this is, and possibly any other info about it?

Silverwulf said:
Revision G, probably a late '94 model.

I'd say mid '94. I'm going to guestimate a June or July build date. My Oct. '95 is just short of 6200, so figuring 1700 per year, and low 4000's, that's what I'm going with.

You can pull the chassis and look for a date written in marker. That will tell you for sure.