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Jun 28, 2006
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Hi im new to this but i have a 1989 MarkIV and it dose not look like the new ones. mine just says Boogie and has FX in and out on both switchable
and normal. can any one tell me whats with this and are there any real good Metallica setting anywhere i have tried and 1000 they all sound like **** .

thanks guys
... just be patient. Your tone will differ with the guitar, cabinet and speaker choice. It has taken me a while to find the tones I have been looking for. Remember this is not a spin-to-win amp. Each knob affects another and they are sensistive. I have found the best Metallica rhythms in Lead with more mids than you would think. The standard V in the eq doesn't work for me as well as when I adjust them to the song. I do like the 750 bottomed out though. 80,240,2200,6600 are all above the centerline and the next line up. If you use too much bass you mud out. If you use too much highs then the rest of your controls do little to nothing. I also tend to run a SD-1 into the amp though out of habit from prior amps (Marshalls). Again do not treat this like any other amp. It is a little different and requires patience and you will find what you want but you have to use your ears. Knob adjustment will be needed to get you close. Then you use the eq to fine tune it.

As far as giving you settings for Metallica goes, I would suggest you take the time to learn the amp with your setup. Your tone will change with your setup if you do not play in the same place (ie. if you gig) so you will need to be in control of your amp anyway. Try starting with the tone controls in the middle and slowly adjust them to your liking. This may take a little while but it is very effective. Make notes along the way if you find anything interesting. Do not get too frustrated that your clean and R2 can't both sound their best because they share their set of tone controls. Just choose which one is more important to you. I usually use the Lead channel for playing Metallica regardless of rhythm or leads. Keep your reverb low or off too if you are looking for that sound.

Don't forget that you will get different tones out of the Full Power/ Tweed power switch, Triode/ Pentode switch, Harmonics/ Mid-Gain switch, Class A/ Simulclass switch.

For home use I would suggest Tweed power, Harmonics, Triode, Class A. Though depending upon how loud you play at home and your taste in tone these settings could be different.
hey ...you sound like me about a month ago...the sound are there....i now have the nicest tone coming out...

tip's -don't try other plp settings....do the opposite i found that helped huge..
-turn the eq off first..get your sound with your tre/mid/bass first then add in the EQ...
-have the bass right down on you knobEQ...
-try running it at tweed/Aclass/triode this will sound the sweetest at low levels..
-i don't know why but my amp the rule is mid and treb are always the same on all channels...Eg lead channel...Bass2 mid6 treb6...
-push the two presence knob's... it just sounds better to me...
-to hear if it's other gear making it sound sh!t ( speaker/guitar ) go to the clean and run run everything of 5 apart from bass and pres( 3.5 ) and that should give you a nice clean change if not play with it till nice sounds arive then base that info on your other channel's..
-BEST DISTORTION (ch2)-treble high up and fat pulled,push pres
-BEST CLEAN (ch1)-pull bright
-BEST LEAD (ch3)-put fat/push pres and bright ) you might like pres pulled so try..

Perhaps I could take a stab at it for you. Let's take for example the Battery notes, and then you can use this to decipher the other notes:

Top of the sheet is the horizontal row of #s with three of them circled. They are the amp (Mesa MkIIC+) settings, circled means the knobs are pulled out.
Volume=9.5, treble=7 (pulled shift adds gain and balls in lead mode only), bass=2, middle=4, master=4 (pulled deep adds low end fatness for rhythm and lead), lead drive=5 (pulled lead manually selects lead), lead master=3.75, and presence=4.5, which is on the back of the amp.

Below that is the obvious graphic eq setting."


for the eq.

settings used to record rythm for battery.
volume = gain and pull(= pull shift treble on a IIC+)

pull fat o n drive, and pull the presence on your Mk 4.

for the rest it is the same.

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