OK Boys, Overdrive Pedals

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Riff Blister said:
Vigo1999 said:
cragginshred said:
Viggo,.... nice shredding! I dig strats that go from mellow bluesy gain stuff to full on melt your face shred! Were you using the Stiletto's clean channel with the barber, or one of it's gain setting plus the barber or a different amp or what???? The bummer about the barber video reviews just like the maxon reviews is, it gives you no idea of what it is like going in to the front of your amp boosting you rigs current gain settings. Thanks for you vid and please provide more info regarding amp used and clean or amp gain settings.

well, have to be honest, this is not me!! :D it's a guy that i know. he's the test guy for Matusa amps. http://www.amplificadoresmatusa.com.br.

he was testing the clean channel of one of their amps and just throw in a Barber DD in front. :shock: a blast!!!!

Vigo1999 your honesty should not go unappreciated. On a forum such as this any one could pretend they are someone they are not.

I am going to check into the Barber Direct Drive. Those Tim or Timmy pedals still have my interest too. Thanks for the input.

Oh, by the way I look like Brad Pitt and play guitar like John Petrucci :)

thanks a lot RB!! :D

yes, looks that honesty isnt gathering too much attention nowadays, especially in internet foruns, sad :(

and i look like Erik Estrada and plays like myself :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have a Crunch Box from MI Audio that sounds great. It's very Marshally in nature, so it would go well with the Stiletto Deuce. Might use it for a good 'crunch' on the clean channel, and to take the solo's over the top.
I'm using a Jeckyl and Hyde. The OD side uses the same OP Amp as a TS. I use the distortion side most of the time. I also use a DS-1 but it seems to produce a more raspy distortion compaired to the JH. Bottom line; I'm always willing to try something new (or old) to get a different sound.......Can you say GAS?
Anybody have any luck with the Klon Centaur Overdrive with the Stiletto? I have a 1x12 Ace loaded with a Scumback M75LDHC. I ordered the Exact Klon Centaur from JHS pedals about a month ago and it should be in soon. Just curious.....
Just picked up a Fulltone OCD v2. running it in the clean channel to give me that dirty channel and then using fluid drive on ch.2 for high gain needs. nice pedal very responsive. small changes to the knobs make noticable differences in tone. still dialing it in but its a keeper and it solves my need for a 3rd channel.
Ok, I was caught between the different versions of the OCD and was going to just go get the OCD v4.

But now, I keep hearing about the Maxon OD808 and now the Barber DD. So I guess I have a few questions, if anyone is interested in clearing up. And BTW, sorry if this has been covered in another forum. Thank you all in advance.

Is everyone talking about the reissue maxon OD808 or the vintage one?? dumb question I know.
I mean, I don't hate on everything that is new just because. There are some vendors out there that can replicate good stuff and they are new age. i.e. Budda wah. I guess I was wondering if the maxon OD808 is sort of the same way? Nice new age pedal with good components and true bypass.

Also what is the Barber DD all about? Is that sort of a TS Clone? just made by a new age vendor?? I noticed that there are at least 2 versions of this pedal out. Is this correct? If so what the differences??

Thank you everyone for your input.
I have a v.4 OCD and I like it alot. It can thicken, change the tone, or be transparent. I like this one.

And BTW - I look like George "The Animal" Steele and play guitar like Fred Flintstone!!! OK, maybe not quite like Fred, but I am taking lessons again.
I recently finished building the “Umble” pedal by OLC.
I really like how it sounds through the Ace clean channel.

As it is based on the Dumble’s “supercharged Fender” amp tone, I find it is great for producing a classic blues type of tone in an amp that really was not designed to excel at this. It’s like I added a third channel that works well for certain songs (especially anything by SRV as he used a Dumble as part of his rig).
The secret to this working to its potential is by keeping the master volume up on the clean channel and the gain very low so the pedal does all the work.

I won’t say it sounds like a Dumble, but it does provide a very smooth and unique tone that works great for blues, jazz and many classic rock songs.

I also have a BSIAB (brown sound in a box) I built and while it also sounds great through the Ace, I still prefer to use the Lead channel on the Ace for that particular type of distorted tones.
Seymour Duncan Pickup Booster

will OD your tubes very sweetly and keep tone maximised.

With a tube amp you really only need a hot input to OD it.

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