KH Guitar Freak said:
Ok, an update on my former thread. I've received the valves, and they seemed to be labelled "7600", and "32" and "29" respectively. Granted, the former pair of numbers represent the mA bias rating. But what does "7600" stand for???
First, I'm assuming these are not color-coded Mesa tubes mentioned in the previous thread. What do you mean "labelled"? Is this factory stamped info or something the seller added to indicate the results of a tube tester? If seller-added, 7600 could represent mutual conductance, or a measure of how much life the tube has left. That seems like a good number, but you'll need to know the range for that particular tester for those type of tubes. 32 and 29 could be the plate current draw, not to be confused with plate voltage draw. A 30 watt 6L6 tube can handle plate voltages as high 500 volts, but most are in the 475 to 490 range.