NOS Studio pre amp

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52 tele

Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
This might sound crazy but I bought this SP about 20yrs ago for a home studio project,I guess its seen about 8hrs use.....
After trying various Fenders recently I thought wtf am I doin' here,so I got a used 20/20 and put them together today....



Taking it to band practise on Tuesday.......hahahaha can't wait........ :D :D
52 tele said:
This might sound crazy but I bought this SP about 20yrs ago for a home studio project,I guess its seen about 8hrs use.....
After trying various Fenders recently I thought wtf am I doin' here,so I got a used 20/20 and put them together today....

Taking it to band practise on Tuesday.......hahahaha can't wait........ :D :D

Hmm, very nice.

I had a Studio (with a 2:90) it rocked and rocked good. (I got sucked into buying a Quad and Triaxis - both good but I should've kept the Studio!)

Hopefully the 20/20 is powerful enough for you? Depends on the dummer I suppose.

But do take the time to dial it, I am totally amazed at what genre's that baby can cover from ultra clean, blues, jazz, pop, rock, grunge, metal, .... all amazingly well. No wonder literally thousands of songs were recorded with a Studio Preamp, a truly professional instrument!

What am I saying - its disgusting ... sell it and sell it now (PM urgently :)
Hahahaha yeh you should be so lucky............

Yeh I'm gonna take it to a practice unit nearby for a day over the xmas break and dial it in.
Even just rough'n it out at band practice I got some killer tones,the 20/20 is way louder than our
On the lookout for another 2x12 cab as well........... :D