noob cab building question

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Aug 1, 2007
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If I'm putting together a cab for a 50w amp, and I want to make sure the cab can handle the amp. In this case should I just make sure the total wattage of the speakers in the cab is at least 50w, or should it be a little more for good measure? I've read a bit on this subject, but I can't find anything really addresses this.
Not that Im an expert in this field by any stretch, but I would say allow for extra. Amps can put out a peak wattage of at least double it's RMS rating, and the drivers rating will only be a measure of what it can handle before the voice coil melts or other damage occurs, on a long term basis.
Basically, if you're pushing it with 50 watts all the time, it probably wont last long.

Someone els will no doubt be abale to answer it more concisely than me, but check out as there's alot of usefuk info there to be had, even if it's primaraly to do with PA and bass cabs.

It also depends on how you wire the speakers. I'm assuming you're wiring them in series. If so then yes, you just add the total wattage up. I'll second MoJ's response too. You'll want them to be a little over 50 watts.