nonesense mk iv pre production/click track clip

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2005
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Queens, NY

ok well i'm ready to begin recording of like 10 or 11 songs for a hobby album me and a couple of people are putting out. let me give you a quick story behind this. there is a band called endwell ( which features a bunch of my friends. more importantly their drummer (mike) is one of my good friends. he is a truly sick drummer, he has the potential to literlly play at the level of tomas haake, etc. etc. loves metal just like me. he used to play in another one of my friends band ( but he left to join endwell who got signed to victory records. point being that the band endwell is kidna more commercial and geared towards the "pop" metal audience. so me and my friends (including his former bandmates) wrote a song called ENDBAD which has a very similar riff to an endwell song and then it like cacoons itself via DT like whacky progressions through the song into this really heavy riff based off the main riff.

after writing it all putting all arrangements together i started recording guide guitars and setting up the click track. i only got through like 1/3 of the song. the clean parts are not the actual parts i just put them there for tempo. im gonna finish up the thing so i can track drums by monday. so i just figure i'd share this much with you. this is not mixed at all. just double tracked and very QUICK mix. i did all the overdubs and panned stuff jsut to screw arond. i'm debating whether i should keep this tone (though i will tweak it when it comes time to track guitars for real) or go for something mroe modern.

again, not much of a post but it's better than nothing you know. the whole song will be recorded/mixed in a coupld of weeks.
it's a very good tone, compact yet powerful, tight and middy at the right point...great amp the MKIV...
well i mean i have a road king also so i was thining for the actual tracking to track with a road king. give it some more bite. i think the more aggressive power section enables me to roll of gain more and give more "bite"

don't get me wrong i love the mark iv but somehow the tone i have stuck in my head for this song lies within the road ing. we'll se. maybe i'll reamp with them both and see what everyone thinks
also i'd like to add that it's weird... i have 4 ibanez guitars with all different replacement dimarzio pups. each guitar sounds good on either my RK or MKIV... very weird

the lead tone on my rg3120 (steves special, air norton) (the guitar i used to track this specfic song actually) which is tuned to Eb sounds better on a mark iv but for rhythm it soudns so much better on road king

the sz4020 (virtual hot paf, paf joe) sounds better all around on the mark iv

my 7 string rg 1527 (blaze/air norton 7) sounds good on both.

my last rg tuned to C standard (evo/evo) sounds good on the mark iv only.

very weird.