Nomad Tube Swap

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Mar 30, 2008
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Are there any recommendations for new tubes in my Nomad 55 2X12 combo? I'm about to buy some new ones, since I'm getting volume swells, and all of the obvious "Your tubes are getting old" clues. I'm replacing everything, so any recommendations will help. I want to stay away from the M/B tubes, since they run a bit cold.

I'm also open to trying different tube types, since I'll be getting it done professionally. Is there really a big difference in it, and if there is one, what are they?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer
First question, why do you need it done professionally? It's as simple as pull tube out put new tube in ect! You just need a balanced tube for the PI which you can specify practically anywhere online you order from. Even that can be debatable! Mesa amps don't have a bias to adjust so no tech is needed. If you like JJ tubes order from which is what i do. Tell him what amp you have and how warm or cold you want the power amp to run. You can even just tell him what sound your after and he'll probably get it right. BTW you can get warmer mesa tubes they are color coded. Call them and figure out which tubes work best in your nomad at a warm bias. I had Mesa Reds in mine they generate a little more heat than my JJ tubes.
I don't necessarily need it done professionally, I was just unsure about the self-biasing deal that Mesa has going on. Another reason for not wanting the Mesa tubes, is just so I can experiment with different sounds, and see if I can get anything I like a little bit better in this, and future amps. I planned on going to my tech to buy the tubes anyways, but I may give dougstubes, or something similar a call.

In terms of 6l6 vs. EL34 (which are the two options I'm given on the back of the amp for the self-bias switch), are there any very notable differences? Currently, I have my Channel 3 set up to give me a really tight gain which is what I like. Would the EL34's tighten things up further, and would they give me a cleaner clean sound?
Mesa amps are not self biasing, they are a fixed bias design.