Noisy 2011 DR on standby

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May 22, 2010
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Hey guys,

When i turn my amp on and have it on standby the head makes a jangling kind of sound inside.
It's hard to describe but it sounds like tiny pieces of metal hitting each other really fast.

Similar to when an amp with a reverb tank is moved and the springs or whatever wobble around.

Is this common? Is it anything to worry about?

The amp runs fine and sounds sick otherwise.
Likely your rectifier tubes. Maybe power tubes. Tap on them and see if you hear anything.
This is somewhat peculiar... Hearing it would be a great help, indeed... let's try some speculations, assuming this in Standby mode, with no speaker connected, noise only coming from the head :

I would suspect vibrations :

1 - check if something is not partially unscrewed somewhere in the head.
2 - look at the springs retainers of the power tubes.
3 - sometimes, you can find power tubes (particularly EL34/6CA7) which can "vibrate" even just heated.
4 - of course, the power transformer can be THE hum/vibration generator, giving the problems 1, 2 and also 3, moreover.

The problem is "acoustic", since it doesn't come from the speakers. Remove the back plate of your head and listen some more, very carrefully... Remove the head from its cabinet, listen again very carrefully : any change ?

The amp runs fine and sounds sick otherwise.

OR it runs fine, OR it sounds sick - there's a big difference in terms of issue identification for the distant repairman... Give us more informations about that for further help.

Thanks for the help guys!

I had a good listen to the back of it and i think it's the transformer behind the rectifier tubes.
IS this anything to worry about?

My plexi makes this noise but not as loud when it's on 10...
Are you sure it's the transformer and not the rectifier tubes warming up? Does this noise happen even after the amp has been in use for a while (played for 30 min or so then back to standby).

If the amp sounds OK I don't think it's a major issue (when you say it sounds "sick", I'm sure you mean great) that you need to be concerned with right now.

For the hell of it, can you record the noise and post it here?
