No stripe RCS on back -

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
I bought this amp locally here recently. I believe it is a early Mark III. Can y'all take a look at the pics and give me any input you may have regarding the vintage of this amp. thanks guys!!






How about pulling the combo speaker cable so's we can decipher the serial number?
It's veddy, veddy early, though.
The "RCS" means "Really Crappy Sound", so I'll be happy to take it off your hands cheap :lol: :lol: :lol:
the serial # is - "15202". I was curious since it is a 3 channel, which makes it a Mark III, when did they start screen printing Mark III on the front of the amp as mine obviously does not have that identifier. Also curious about the fact mine does not say "Pull Deep" but rather says "Gain Boost" above the Master 1 knob.

Thanks dude!!!
It's a very early no stripe model. 15202 is also very close to the last IIC+ serials, that were in the low 15xxx.
It honestly looks like a leftover IIB face plate. The Pull Shift on the bass knob and Pull R2 look silk screened.
As with anything Mesa, just because it's 15,202 does not mean it's later than 15,113 etc. I don't think they
were perfectly chronological with serial numbers. As George stated, Mesa did not waste anything. I'm sure we could get
a better understanding if we had the codes on the side of the chassis and the transformer numbers.
Lastly, I do know for certain that if Mesa needed a face plate it did not take them long to get one. The face plate
company was in Oakland. Maybe they used the wrong artwork for a single run.
hey y'all, I really appreciate the input form everyone. I'll try to carve out some time next week to pull the chassis and have a better look at the transformer, and I will take some pics and post them here. :)

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