No Output... friend messed with V1 tube...

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Active member
Mar 8, 2006
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I have no output whatsoever from my guitar through my amp.. wiring on guitar is good. and chord is good. However.. i'm almost possitive its the V1 tube. But what would cause it to not work?
First check the V1 for cracks and burnouts. If its ok make sure you have clearance to reinstall it in a gentle cicrcular motion.Is it the same V1 that was in there before??Also check all other tubes maybe one is slightly outta position.I find the key to changing all tubes is patience.
I would remove the V1 then reinstall it. Sometimes it might not be seated completely and therefore not making contact. Other times it is the pins not making contact with the sockets. This process will at least let you know if it is the connection at the tube. If you get any connection then you may consider cleaning your sockets or taking your amp in for a cleaning. If you decide to clean it yourself get some Deoxit, unplug your amp, and apply it to the pins of the culprit tube. Then work the tube in and out (like sex, if you know anything about that). Give your amp a little time to dry then reinsert the tube and see if you get a better result. The contacts that the pins and socket make sometimes get dirty after time and you end up with not so reliable performance. This is most evident in the case of a tube manipulation whether it be a swap, a check, or just a straight up replacement. Some say that the Deoxit makes for a better sounding result. I myself just think that the cleaner contacts just allow the signals to flow easier thus giving you a truer result. Afterall, parts sound like they do and regardless of what you do you will only get a truer assessment if the contacts are clean.
Actually I was thinking about this some more....

Being that it is getting late and my daughter won't just go to bed and it is Christmas Eve.

I have decided that you should go break the guys fingers for messing with your amp. Then tell him Merry Freaking Christmas. Then go fix your amp. :twisted: