Newbie gets his Mark V!

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May 22, 2009
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Greetings gang! I've been lurking around in the Mark V area of the forums for a couple of months now, ever since I decided to make the jump and get the Mark V, and just wanted to say hello. I just got back from the music store with my Mark V head and loathe that I have to wait another 5 hours to go home from work to play it. What's worse is I got the call Friday that it was in and had to wait until today to pick it up. So I basically just tested it at the store today to make sure the tubes and all were good before I left. *Cough* I think I see a sick day coming on soon. :)

I've never owned a Boogie amp before, but know of their great sound through the other guitarist in my band who has a Triaxis/2:90 setup. I downloaded the manual and have read it, and I greatly appreciate the vast Boogie knowledge being tossed around this forum on any given day. It's helped a lot! Now to put it to good use! I currently own two Carvin Legacy heads (with El34's) and cabs, so I'm looking forward to seeing what this baby can do.

Since there seems to be a shortage of metal clips out there for the V, I'll try to put some clips together very soon and run the gamut of what it can do. That is, once I figure it out. :) My band is progressive rock/metal in the Dream Theater/Rush/Tool vein, so I'll most likely play excerpts of our stuff. Esp. since I not sure I remember any DT songs thoroughly. It's been a while...

Oh, also, if anyone is looking for a head, I got mine from World Music in Nashville, TN. They ordered two heads and the guy who'd claimed the second backed out a while back since it was taking so long. Here's their site if anyone is interested.

Sweet! Nice colors. I so wish I'd custom ordered my head with the tan/tweed colored material on the front (pardon my ignorance of Mesa's official color names). There's another guy on here who posted pics of his head/cab and the black/tweed look...pretty sweet.

So how are you liking the combo so far?

I got home from work and plugged in the head, then goofed with settings on my own and such before finally cracking open the manual to try out some of the factory preset suggestions, which helped. This amp dials in completely different than my Legacy, as I'd imagined. I knew about keeping the bass knob low but wow, the controls are very responsive and sensitive. I'm used to the EQ on the Legacy not being too drastic with minor movements, but I like the level of control one has with the V.

After a couple of hours of messing with it, then leaving it to eat a quick dinner (only to keep from passing out), then coming back, I was feeling it a lot more. So many tones. Channel 1 FAT mode and Ch3's MarkIV...holy crap. Awesome. I'm digging the MarkIV over the IIC+ at the moment, but that might change as I continue to dial in better tones. I can't crank it at home in my apartment, so I'll have to wait until I get in the practice room to let 'er rip. Overall though, I'm super-impressed. And what's great is my Drop-C tuned guitar with a Dimarzio Steve's Special in the bridge sounds great through the V. It was sounding tubby/farty with the Legacy and I was considering changing out the pickups. Probably not now. The head also sounds pretty good through my Legacy cab with Celestion V30s in it, so that's a plus.

And to anyone questioning the metal factor...I think this amp will cover you plenty. Already this is a ton more gain than I'm used to, yet still keeps its punch and tightness.

Lemme know what you think about the combo.