I'm really not looking forward to dropping another $2500 on a new Hetfield amp
dmcguitar had a comment in another thread that made me think; maybe it's not a Hetfield amp but the next Mark amp, the Mark VI. Or anything really, I'm sure that's not Hetfield's first prototype he's got the chance to try out. Does Hetfield even need two GEQs anyway? His reissue would be more like the original, without the clean channel, just a single lead channel and a GEQ with simul class. His wouldn't need anything groundbreaking like JP has on his. James isnt on stage flipping through settings on his midi, he just needs a really good crunch tone and he's good for the night. Petrucci's amp came from real solutions to the c+ to make it better at performing on stage for him. What would Hetfield have to offer in that department? Any new features his amp might have could seem pretentious. He doesn't need all those features because he doesn't use all those features. But if it sounds good I'll still buy it :mrgreen: