New record complete with 2007 TR + 1960a + 2007 SG-GT

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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New Orleans to Los Angeles
Hi guys. We just finished recording a new EP using a 2007 DR + 1960a. The predominant guitar in the mix is a 2007 Gibbo SG-GT- whoever says these guitars are thin sounding is crazy.

We had 3 mics on or near the amp and she laid it down like a champ. The dials were all near 12:00 and I doubled using the red and orange channels. These amps have an amazing clean sound through the GT75s. I only wish I owned it. :cry:

I let go of my DC-10 head and boy do I regret it. I am now searching for a replacement. <-songs not uploaded yet

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the tunes! Please feel free to comment, you lucky *******s.

That means the world to us; we actually named the band, "Adam's Attic" because we write about the relationships we had in our past (mostly bad!)and present. Since Adam was the first guy to have realtionship issues, we used his name.

The "Attic" represents the place where people store old things- for us memories, old ones. So Adam's Attic was started as a way for us to come to terms with tragic events in our lives and reach closure so we could move on.

Someone once described our style as "...on the darker side of uplifting", since we're always trying to find that silver lining.

Rock on!
yeah man, lol i'm actually listening to all your songs, letting them play through. They're amazing quality, I'm guessing you guys were in a high end studio and what not?
We had some great relationships from the past that we mobilized to help us get through this project and they really came though.

We recorded in Santa Ana, CA at this really nice and cozy studio. The engineer there is younger, but very knowledgeable and takes direction very well- what I mean is, he keeps the sound you are going for in mind throughout the process.

After that, we sent the hard drive off to New Orleans to be mixed and mastered by a guy who resurrected a seemingly doomed project. We met him while we lived in New Orelans before Katrina hit. It's hard to know who to trust when you are trying to get your signature sound, but it was an easy decision to go with this guy.

Man, best of luck with your recovery and thanks for listening to our songs the whole way through. It is our goal as musicians to make something that people can connect with. It is our hopes that what we bring to the table helps people find their silver lining.
really good recording and nice guitar tones, I liked it even if it's not my favourite music genre, compliments
Very impressive! I'd love to have an original band that sounded like yours. Good tones, mix, theme, and band name! Best of luck...

Thanks again, guys!

We edured very hard times- especially in the beginning. We were used to doors slamming closed in our faces becsaue we stuck to our guns and played our own music. I'm convinced that anyone can have a successful original band if everyone stays true to each other, the music, and the people around them. I've seen it.
Here's the other video from that same session. It's not for the Myspace competition, but for MTVII.