New problem with Road King I

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Feb 11, 2006
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Last two gigs that I have used my Road King I, I played a set, put the amp on standby, left the stage for about 30 minutes, came back and switched the amp out of standby and SURPRISE! NO sound out of channels 3 and 4!!! I turned the amp all the way off and then back on - then channels 3 and 4 started working again.

I have tried to reproduce this at home, but so far I cannot. It is a little warmer at the place that I gig, and my amp does not have a fan, so it could be an overheating problem??? Like I say, it has happened twice, so it is not an aberration.

Anyone experience anything like this? Suggestions?
dwbrock said:
Last two gigs that I have used my Road King I, I played a set, put the amp on standby, left the stage for about 30 minutes, came back and switched the amp out of standby and SURPRISE! NO sound out of channels 3 and 4!!! I turned the amp all the way off and then back on - then channels 3 and 4 started working again.

I have tried to reproduce this at home, but so far I cannot. It is a little warmer at the place that I gig, and my amp does not have a fan, so it could be an overheating problem??? Like I say, it has happened twice, so it is not an aberration.

Anyone experience anything like this? Suggestions?

I had the same problem with mine . Its a problem with the footswitching logic . I had to send mine back but it has been fine ever since .
I had the same problem, it's an issue Boogie know about. It is a couple of diodes in the KingKontroller foot switch that go out of spec when they get too warm, that's why it works fine once it's been off for a while. Take it back to a mesa repair guy and they should sort it no worries.
So this is a problem with the footswitch only? Just wondering since I have an RKII and would like to know.
On the Series 1 it was a footcontroller problem, I now have a series II (long story :? ) Not had the same problem on the Series II as yet. However i did have a problem with the series II. When i had it turned up load the clean channels seemed to be breaking up earlier than usual and the dirty channels were getting what sounded like speaker break up regardless of cab used.
I took it into an amp tech and it turned out it was the loop system that had a problem. Mesa shipped a new loop board so the entire loop board has now been changed and according to the amp tech the one sent across was completely different. So this could be another mesa known fault.
These roadkings are prooving to be a right pain in the arse for me !!! :?
But it sounds Gooooooood!
Also acording to the amp tech there is a bias adjuster on the board for the EL34's. Thought someone may be interested in that little nugget.
I called Mesa support about this problem. When I first described the problem to Markus he suspected a bad tube in V2 or V3. However, I mentioned the footswitch logic problem mentioned by Barry and Flavell777 to him. He didn't seem familiar with it, but luckily he was willing go ask a techy, because after returning he stated that, yes, this is a known problem with overheating of the channel-switching logic and that I should bring the amp into the local service center and they will be able to take of it....which I will do toot-sweet. It is great that I have a specific recommendation from Mesa to relay to the local service guy so that he is not fumbling around on the bench trying to debug it himself.

Anyway, thanks guys for getting me on the right track. Now, to part with my RK for a few days. Sniff, sniff... :cry:
dwbrock said:
I called Mesa support about this problem. When I first described the problem to Markus he suspected a bad tube in V2 or V3. However, I mentioned the footswitch logic problem mentioned by Barry and Flavell777 to him. He didn't seem familiar with it, but luckily he was willing go ask a techy, because after returning he stated that, yes, this is a known problem with overheating of the channel-switching logic and that I should bring the amp into the local service center and they will be able to take of it....which I will do toot-sweet. It is great that I have a specific recommendation from Mesa to relay to the local service guy so that he is not fumbling around on the bench trying to debug it himself.

Anyway, thanks guys for getting me on the right track. Now, to part with my RK for a few days. Sniff, sniff... :cry:

Im sure thats your problem . Actually my amp was the one where they made a major discovery for this problem . I think after my amp that particular problem was solved . I bet if you activate all the channels with the rotary dial on the back of the amp it works fine . Right ?
I was going to try the rotary dial the next time it happens, but I have not been able to reproduce it at home. And I don't think I'll wait for it to happen to me again during a gig...taking it in today.
I had a problem with channel 3 and 4 cutting in and out on my RK 1. Took it to Mesa Hollywood and found out that it needed update repairs. It was a warranty item and the repairs were done for FRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
Anyways works like a champ and sounds awesome
FINALLY got the amp back! He did the diode and fan upgrade, plus the 6228 (I think) upgrade, whatever that is. Fired it up when I got home and it sounds great. We'll see how it holds up in a gig next week.

He charged only labor - about $64 dollars. Not bad considering I purchased it used and had no warranty information. Gotta respect Mesa for supplying the parts for free.

I'll post again if I have any problems. Otherwise if you don't here from me, assume I'm back in Booigie heaven. :D