New MK V25 (soon)! New Member

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Active member
Dec 17, 2014
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British Columbia
Hi all

New member!
I have ordered my first Boogie - a Mk V:25. Should be here in a week.
I've wanted a Mark since the early 80s (thanks, Carlos) but never had the scratch and then I questioned if I needed a full on Mark.
Now the Mk V:25 seems to be the ticket. Report to follow.
I've been non stop playing my Mark V:25 for the last several weeks. To say I'm impressed and happy with it would be like saying bacon tastes OK.
ryjan said:
I've been non stop playing my Mark V:25 for the last several weeks. To say I'm impressed and happy with it would be like saying bacon tastes OK.
And bacon indeed tastes fantastic!
I'll be trying mine (when it comes) with a ported 1x12 cab with an Emi EM 12 which is Emis version of an EVL 12. I really like this speaker with a 2x6V6 amp I have. Very neutral and musical. I also have an open back pine 1x12 with a Private Jack which has a more British, mid focus to it. Now the part I hate - waiting. I hope it gets here before Christmas :|
ryjan said:
I've been non stop playing my Mark V:25 for the last several weeks. To say I'm impressed and happy with it would be like saying bacon tastes OK.

Haha, what an analogy! I have played more since my MV25 arrived than I have in the last year total. It is definitely a sweet amp that inspires me to play. Such tasty tones no matter the settings. Biggest gripe is trying to settle on just one tone! I find that all I really need for FX with this amp is delay. I may pick up an OD at some point for some different colors, but it's not a necessity.
True dat.
Being able to get such great sound and feel at the low volumes is nice too. I can play with the family in the next room watching TV without bugging them too bad.
you guys are killin me here...i wont have my mkv:25 till next week :mrgreen:
welcome to the board drs..this is a great place to hang out...everyone is very helpful... \m/
I've had mine almost three weeks but unfortunately have not had near enough time with it. That said, the time I *have* had with it has been nothing short of awesome. Incredible amp, very inspiring to play. I can't believe how fast time goes when playing it, and how long time drags in between :)

You guys are going to love it.
Hello All!

I am new on this forum so I want to say hi to all.

I have a Mark V 25 and I can say that the amp really rocks!
When I first heard it, I couldn't not believe it was only a 25W amp.
You can get all the Mark amp tones out of this.
The hard part was when I got to try to get Mark I tone out of it, after many hours I got almost the right tone.
I'm in there with the others who are waiting. My dealer ordered mine almost two months ago and it is due any time. Already paid for etc... just waiting for it to get here, and you guys all loving it is not making the wait any easier! :lol: Then Rectifriedzilla puts up a clip and I hear it my head is ready to explode.
Dreamtheaterrules said:
I'm in there with the others who are waiting. My dealer ordered mine almost two months ago and it is due any time. Already paid for etc... just waiting for it to get here, and you guys all loving it is not making the wait any easier! :lol: Then Rectifriedzilla puts up a clip and I hear it my head is ready to explode.

Nine months? I ordered a custom finish on Dec. 11 and my ship date is Jan. 12.
ryjan said:
In stock here.
I'm in Canada plus it's cheaper here if I factor in shipping and exchange compared to ordering from Sweetwater. Plus I get the full warranty. Feb will be here before I know it.
Put mine on layaway today.

I was not expecting to be blown away like I was. My only fear was that it would not be loud enough for a drummer, and it was easily that.

My favorite High gain setting was in 2C+ mode.

I set the gain just below where I would normally like it and cranked the master to get a slight power amp break up. The tone was so sweet. And so freaking loud.

Man this is going to be the longest month wait.

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