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Tubegear Junkie

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2008
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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.
I have been playing guitar for quite a few years, about 25+ yrs.
I have been using Boogie amps for the past 10+ years.
My practice amp is a Subway Rocket, one of the early models with Reverb. I have other tube amps also. I wouldn't play through anything but a tube amp :!: :!:

I'm thinking of buying a Mesa 50 Watt Head. The guys I jam with are beginning to talk about forming a "Band". It was first for kicks & giggles, but now we're taking a more serious approach. We play Metal- modern/new style.

My Question-
Would the 5:50 Express Head be sufficient in power for a loud pounding drummer? Will the 5:50 Express have enough "front end note" to cut thru the mix. On the smaller stages we probably won't be mic'd, so I need enough power to cut through.
The 5:50 Express is in my price range. I'm wondering if I should save my money and go with a Mesa 100 Watter? I don't like getting used electronics on ebay.

So what do you guys think I should do? Buy a 50 watter or save for a 100 watter.

thanks in advance

Tubegear Junkie
I have a Rectoverb head (50 watts) and it's loud as hell.
I have to run it thru a hotplate or I wouldn't even be able to use it in modern mode in my house.
I run it thru 2 2X12 cabs one with V30's(Recto cab) and an Avatar cab that I bought empty and loaded with Mesa C90's.
Together they sound immense and compliment each other really well.

the 5:50 will have enough power, does it have the type of tone and gain you're looking for?
Hey welcome to the fold! It's good to see others that have been playing for a while get out and play metal :twisted:

What's your background with amps? This might help us guide you toward the right Mesa. The Express 5:50 is a great amp but I found it lacking in the gain category. I would hang with a drummer and cut through the mix I'The Rectoverb, Solo 50, and Stiletto Ace are 3 50watters that are popular here, loud, will hang in just about any band situation and plenty of gain.

Good Luck!
Hey gang,

Thanks for the replies.
I will try to answer all the questions in this one thread.
My experience with tube amps is probably a little above average since I have biased my own amps,done repairs and some minor mods. Since I have owned Mesa Boogies my maintenance on the amps has been alot less than in the past. I think alot has to due with the "Fixed Bias" setting that Mesa uses and me going with Mesa's own output tubes.

I was looking at the Recto-Verb "Series 2", it's only like a $230 difference in price between the two. I'm considering the 5:50 Express mainly because of it's 5 Watt option perfect for home practice and tone because the tubes can be driven at low volumes.

As far as the Express lacking in the gain category- I agree. I'm planning on slammin' it with my effects processor. I will use the gain channel, but I usually set the gain low so that it doesn't sound muddy.

I would love to get the Roadster or Triple Rectifier Solo in Head configuration, but like I stated we haven't taken off yet. Maybe when we get gigging on a regular basis.

Another couple of questions;
1.) Will the Express 5:50 Head drive 2 Mesa 4x12 cabs
loaded w/ C90 spkrs? I have heard it will, but I feel that the tone will be thin. What do you guys think?
2.) Is this forum a Genuine Authorized Mesa Boogie Forum?

thanks again,
Tubegear Junkie
omghi2u said:
I think you need a Tremoverb which IMO sounds way better than a Dual Rec for a better price. It has 100 watts.

Thanks for the advice. The Tremoverb "majors in the Blues". Also it is "out of production" and I do not like to buy used electronics on ebay. The only MB dealer near me is hours away so I have to make sure I get something new with no problems.

Maybe you can answer my questions-

1.) Will the Express 5:50 Head drive 2 Mesa 4x12 cabs
loaded w/ C90 spkrs? I have heard it will, but I feel that the tone will be thin. What do you guys think?
2.) Is this forum a Genuine Authorized Mesa Boogie Forum?

thanks again,
Tubegear Junkie
1) If your looking to drive two cabs (especially 4x12's) I'd say hook it up and see. My initiall thought was "no" but it's worth a shot. Again, even with an effects processor, the 5:50 never appealled to me. I play a lot of Metallica, System of a Down, Deftones, and Mastodon. I look for an amp with an excellent base tone and distortion, then I slam the front end with a tube screamer to tighten everything up. When I test drove the 5:50 I just didn't get the feeling that the gain, even with a tube screamer, would punch like the type of stuff I played.

I think it would lack a little bass and if your gigging where you can push enough air to get the benefit of 2 4x12's go for it. You can always try it. I have a rectifier 2x12 and 4x12. To get the benefit out of running that config it really has to be cranked to notice the difference. I had a rectoverb combo but never ran both my 4x12 and 2x12 with it so I can't even answer how it would run a stack. Lot of gear to lug too!

The 50w vs 100w argument is very popular here. For my use 50w is still almost too much but I've learned to cope. For around the house I use a pocket metal muff for low volume distortion on a clean channel, works very well and I don't have to incur the expense of an attenuator or experience the tone suckage. No it doesn't sound like tube saturation but it gets the job done.

2) No this forum is not ran or authorized by Mesa as far as I know. I'm sure they don't mind...well except for getting all of the e-mails about the Rectifier 2ch vs 3ch debate, which I'm sure they are sick of!

Try a bunch of stuff out and let your ears be the judge.

thanks for your input...
I'm going to start looking at the Recto-Verb Head alot harder.
Especially since it's only $230 more than the 5:50 Express.
Reading your thread, I believe I'll be alot happier with that model.
As far as, home practice- I have my Subway Rocket 20 Watter.
On bigger stages (when we get there) I'll be mic'd anyways.
So for now, I believe 50 watts will be sufficient.

And of course, when the World Tour starts
I can look at more power. :lol: :lol:

Tubegear Junkie
welcome to the jungle.

For what it's worth, my 50W is Ace is incredibly loud played through V30 cabs. I don't think I've had volume past 10-11:00 in a full band situation so still plenty of headroom. I'd call the Mesa 800 number too and ask one of their sales reps your question, they'd definitely have an opinion.