New member, old Dual Recto!

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Winchester, KY
Hello all! I'm new to the board and have a few things I'd like to chat about:

Recently, I have gotten back into playing guitar after about a 4-5 year hiatus while finishing up graduate school. In '94, I traded a Mark IV, which I originally bought via trading a Mark III, for a rather abused "floor model" Dual Rectifier from Thoroughbred music in Tampa, FL. I've had it ever since, played the hell out of it, and loved it! Incidentally, it happens to be # R0064. Until I stumbled across this forum, I never realized it might be special in any way. Nor have I ever played any of the newer, 3 ch DR heads in which to make a comparison of its "different" tone. I figured a Rectifier was a Rectifier was a Recitfier, if you get my drift.

Now that I've begun playing again, I have been a bit unhappy with it. It just doesn't sound "right". Part of this is me... I suck... bad. Time off was not kind to my chops. Also, it could be that I'm older and my ears, and perhaps my tonal tastes, have changed. The amp sounds pretty rough in its own right. I'm running it through a Recto 2x12 with V30s. The amp did not have Mesa brand tubes in it when I bought it and never has throughout its tenure in my rig. After perusing this forum, I decided to remove the old Audio Glassic EL34s and put in a spare set of Sovtek 6L6s I had laying around. This improved the tone a bit, though it's hard to make this judgement by comparison of 2 radically different tube types. Reading this forum has taught me that I have been quite ignorant in the ways of tone and amplifier maintenance, prefering instead to just play my guitar "blindly". All of the tubes are REALLY old, including the preamp and rectifier tubes.

Additionally, no thanks to you people, I've been "gassing" (?) for the newer Stiletto series. The idea of better cleans, "tightness", and a Marshall-esque tonal range with improved high gain is VERY intriguing. I really want the option of high gain leads and tones suitable for metal music, but my actual playing style is more attuned to rock and funk. I love all kinds of guitar-laden music, from Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd to the Smashing Pumpkins and the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Mastodon and Lamb of God, to name a few.

All of that said, would you guys recommend I call up Mesa and order a new set of tubes for this old babe to try and rekindle the relationship we once had or try to sell/trade her for a Stiletto? I need some versatility and can't afford both. As a poor postdoctoral fellow, I pretty much have to trade to justify a new addition.

What say you, Boogie Board members?
i say you pack the amp and send it over to Gainesville, Florida.

i mean....uhh...get new tubes man! and if you're not satisfied, then pack it and send it to Gainesville, Florida!
Elpelotero said:
i mean....uhh...get new tubes man! and if you're not satisfied, then pack it and send it to Gainesville, Florida!

thats what i would do. id buy still-new-in-the-box mesa tubes off ebay(to save some moolah) & retube the whole amp. you'll recoup your money, especially considering the complete retubing. people buying amps dont want to have to retube their new amp that they just spent several hundred dollars on. it makes your amp all the more attractive when you go to sell IF you decide to go that route. but don't trade a perfectly good recto away until you know it's been retubed w/ quality tubes 1st.

good luck.
Hehe.. you must live in Gainesville, I take it. How's life in FL? I haven't been down there in several years.

I left out that the amp has been to Mesa to repair the damage done prior to my acquisition of it and the chassis put in a newer style cab. The thing looks like it just came off the line, with the exception of the old, crappy tubes. Leave it to my ignorance... clean her up and make her pretty but fail to update some of the most important tonal components.
I say the very least retube it. If you don't like the way it sounds retubed then the amp probably doesn't suite your tastes anymore. You can then remove the new tubes and keep them as spares for your next amp. It's a good idea to retube every two years of regular use (this is mainly for the power amp but I prefer to do everything at once). The preamp tubes will loose their sparkle over time but they can operate for a very long without a problem. I suggest talking to Doug at Doug's tubes ( and see what he recommends for a full retube. I think he can set you up with tubes that can suite a certain style (like metal, rock, blues, etc).

Are you using a speaker cable between the head and cab?

As long as it is a speaker cable and not a guitar cable you're fine. A short cable doesn't have to be thick so you're probably fine there. Just wanted to make sure.

JOEY B. said:
What made you want to trade-off the MkIV? I went thru the recto craze myself and ended up back at square Mark I, again. :?: :?: :?: :?:

Well, as I recall, I couldn't dial in the exact tone I was looking for with the Mk IV at the time. Furthermore, I was transitioning from hair, thrash, and british metal into grunge and alternative rock. I wanted to stand out from the crowd and the Recto was newer with a VERY different sound that intrigued me. Who knew it would be adopted by everyone and their brother.

Plus, the Recto Diamond Plate looked mean! <-- Joke...
disassembled said:
As long as it is a speaker cable and not a guitar cable you're fine. A short cable doesn't have to be thick so you're probably fine there. Just wanted to make sure.


Well, I may be ignorant but at least I knew that much, heh. :D
Yeah, try completely retubing. You may save some money on set of JJ's. You can get a set from and they may be able to help you get the sound that you're looking for, if you call in.

I wouldn't be in a big hurry to part with your amp. You may find new life in it, once you've got new glass in it. There's probably a lot of guys just waitin' to see it go up on the classified list! :D
bluntage said:
Hehe.. you must live in Gainesville, I take it. How's life in FL? I haven't been down there in several years.


the weather in this town sucks! one day it's 90 and at night it hits 30! not cool at all!

But aside from that....we own the NCAA!!
Try going from being nice weather to raining over an inch to nice weather. we have been doing this lately here in San Diego.
Russ said:
Try going from being nice weather to raining over an inch to nice weather. we have been doing this lately here in San Diego.

"San means whale's vagina"

"No, i think it was named after the priests that colonized it."

"No no, it's whale's vagina."
I used to think that a "g" made a "h" sound in spanish. I was wrong in that it is the "j". I used to call it Sandy A-ho. :lol:

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