New Mark V--no volume!!

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Mar 19, 2010
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Hey everybody--just got my new Mark V head in. There's next to no volume on the thing. I've got the channel masters and Output set past noon and it's not even at talking level. I've switched around some power tubes with no luck, and I switched out v1 with no luck. Is there some other preamp tubes that might cause this. It's not limited to a particular channel.
Any effects in line? Remove. Verified guitar and speaker cables? Footswitch plugged in and mute not selected? Verify speakers cable plugged into correct plug? I would not have the output too high, when you do find the problem you don't want to get launched into space by the blast.
When I once had the same problem i accidently hit the switch to Hard Bypass the FX Loop, Solo and Master Knob (in the back) and BAM! Try it, and if that works, you know, your problem is the tube for the Loop. An other tube to check should be the phase inverter.
seemed to have been V2 or V3--problem solved. WHEW...hate when that happens.
Doe's it sound like frying bacon?

Mine shipped with a bad rectifier tube..., only made frying bacon sounds in 10 watt mode..., switch to 45 watts to correct.