New Mark V combo - strange thing happened

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May 28, 2009
Reaction score
I just got my brand new - out of the box Mark V combo. The best amp I've ever heard. However, something strange just happened. I was messing around with the settings - and specifically - the Solo setting. I have the amp on 90 watts / channel 3 / Mark IV setting. I inadvertantly had the Solo setting maxed. I was playing normally, then stepped on the solo switch - it was crazy loud for a split second then cut out completely - turned off. I toggled the power switch and nothing. I then pulled the fuse to see if I blew it and it was fine. When I put it back in, the amp came back on.

It's almost like the amp didn't like the sudden surge and protected itself.

Anybody experience this? Any ideas as to what it could be?
Hi Andyo,

Welcome to the Boogie Board. Getting a new Mark V is pretty exciting so congrats to you!

I'm a little familiar with what happened to you, on my recto (not Mark V). My kids were messing with the knobs and I noticed the "adjustment" my daughter made to my solo output before I hit the standby on. Just as a rule of thumb, always check your volume settings (Master Chan, Master out, and Solo) before turning your amp on and it's best to play it conservatively at first and then adjust to taste. What you did is common for new players/new Boogie owners. It's always a good idea to check out the user manual before using and Mesa amp for the first time. Mesa has some pretty basic guidelines in there that help people like us prevent acts of incompetence, plus the manual will walk you through how to get setup and get familiar with the controls fast without damaging the amp.

If you didn't blow a fuse or a tube, then I assume you're ok, but try not to do that again as you can blow your transformer, drastically reduce the lifetime of your tubes, damage your speakers/hearing, and probably start a small fire in your amp. If anything seems wrong with the amp, then call Mesa and get it fixed right away. It's better to be safe than out $2K.
Thanks, MesaGod666. It seems to be ok now. Reset everything to normal setting and turned back on a few times and gradually brought up to gig volume and it didn't happen again. I'm hoping it's ok and will keep breaking it in slowly. If I can get away with it, I'll fire her up later today (before the game) and run her through the paces for a good hour or more at volume. I figure if it doesn't go down then I should be fine. Thanks again!!!
:shock: :? :cry:


similar to your reaction after it shut off??
andyo said:
I inadvertantly had the Solo setting maxed.

That's something you only do once in your life... like sticking your hand into a running lawn mower. You just learn from those things.

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