So this is a quick little demo of some new drum software and a better tracked guitar recording style I've been messing with.
Basically it's the recording out from the mark into my DAW as well as an SM57 micing a cab blended together then double tracked. I feel this captures the essence of the Mark IV grind a lot more than my previous attempt. (thanks ToneAddictJon)
Very simple riff, I figured I'd post this for anyone considering doing this style of recording.. works very well in my opinion
Tele -> Mark IV
Basically it's the recording out from the mark into my DAW as well as an SM57 micing a cab blended together then double tracked. I feel this captures the essence of the Mark IV grind a lot more than my previous attempt. (thanks ToneAddictJon)
Very simple riff, I figured I'd post this for anyone considering doing this style of recording.. works very well in my opinion
Tele -> Mark IV