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Mar 10, 2008
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Could a dead tube make my new Roadster lose power and not even turn on? The other guitar player in my band didn't warm the tubes up and then the power went dead on the amp. Hasn't worked at all since then but today I noticed the tube was fried.
If its fried it probably took out the fuse as well.

Get a new fuse of the exact same type (it will tell you what type it is right under where the fuse is) and you'll need two new power tubes to replace your one broken one. Power tubes are run in pairs, so if one goes, they essentially both go because the circuit in the amp relies on both tubes have a very, very similar power draw and if you get two tubes which draw different amounts, then your amp won't be operating as it was meant to.

Anyway, the Roadster has 2xEL34s and 4x6L6s right? If it was an EL34, just get a matched pair. If it was an OUTSIDE 6L6, replace the two outside ones, if it was an INSIDE 6L6 replace the two inside ones.