New boogie user and a question on tube change.

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Jul 27, 2005
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Hi guys,
I have posted sometime back before and asked around abit for some info between a nomad 45 and an f-30. I went with the f-30 instead. Took me quite a while, since there was a big guitar shop sale and i almost bought a peavey ultra tube for about $300. I tried a carvin legacy after that and it killed the peavey in every single department. But, the legacy was way too loud, could not even play it at 1.5 . After a few weeks my chance came and i went for the f-30.

I have owned it 2 days now and i am pretty happy with the tone. I got my desired clean tone really fast and absolutely loved it. The distortion channel took me a long while but i think i am getting there. The big question is, since i have only had the amp for 2 days, should i change the tube to jj ones? I've been reading non-stop about how good those tubes are and wish to try out the high gain set for the f-30.

Is it advisable to change so soon or should i wait?

Thanks for reading this. Appreciate it
Hey fusionexperiment, You may want to take some time to get used to your new amp. I changed my tubes right away, but that was only because I had bought my amp used and I had some worn tubes in it, and it was not behaving right. My advice would be that if the amp is new and you are new to tube amps, stick with your stock tubes for a while. Also, you need to be aware of maintaining your warranty. Give it a good shake out first. :)
I also think you should take the time to get used to your amp and its controls.. it takes a long time to get used to how your amp responds to its controls and the sound you are looking for could already be there.

Furthermore, you have to understand the nuiances of your tubes that you'd want to change so you know what to replace it with.
Hey guys,
thanks for the quick reply and for the help. I'll stick with my current stock tubes for now and take more time to understand my amp and its controls. The mesa tone controls really work differently from other amps i have owned before.

The distortion channel plus the contour really gives me all the drive sounds i need, i don't even need a boost because i am really diggin the sound. But, i am thinking of using a bad monkey pedal to get another diff kind of drive tone with the clean channel and also on top of the distortion channel. Something to give me a boost with less drive and a rounder tone. What do you guys think? Any recommendations would be good too.
