Need quick run down re: Triple Rec setting vs Dual.

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2012
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I flying up to Philadelphia next Thursday to rehearse with a band I'm doing live session work for towards the end of August and again later in the year. The drummer for the band has a Triple he is going to let me use. Which is righteously awesome, especially since I can use my same floor noise boxes.

How much different will my settings on my Dual translate over to the triple? I know about the increased headroom and tighter low end. So I'm expecting a little different feel, but want to be somewhere in the ballpark so I won't have to take too long dialing in something interesting to play with.

I'm actually fairly excited about this as I have never played a Triple before. It is a three channel version non multiwatt as well.

The dude's owned it for a few years and said he isn't thrilled about the head and asked if, while I'm up there to learn him the amp so he can stop looking at it as a boat anchor. If he still doesn't like it afterward, I'm going to make him an offer on it. Either cash, or my modded Marshall JMP 2203 in trade.
The same or very similar settings should work fine. I have a dual and a triple but the dual is non reborn and the triple is reborn and even they are very similar settings wise.

The triple will allow you to crank the low end a little more if you want and stay tighter longer if the amp is really really loud but otherwise settings are similar.

I see some slight presence and high end differences between mine but I think that has more to do with one being reborn.

I am in west chester, pa. About 30 min from philly. Are you in town for long?
Ill be in town from Thursday til early Sunday. Then I go home for a week or two then back for a show on the 23 or 30 not sure which. I'm playing with Blood Storm if you've heard of them. I know that Friday and Saturday I plan on having 8-10 hour sessions with them, or at least until fingers start to bleed.... If you want, pm me your number and maybe when we are done either night, you could meet us and have a beer. I know that those guys dont drink, but I love me some Yuengling, and plan on having at least a couple while I am up there. Not there to party mind you. They haven't played live in 7 years and I am the only guitarist so I have to get these down with these guys as if they were my own songs.
This was a fun weekend and I liked the Triple Rectifier. It was a 99% similar amp sonically except for the clarity and immediacy of how the amp responds to playing. The headroom was responsible for this I assume.

What was bad about this particular amp was that the effects loop pots needed to be cleaned. The signal output was the main culprit. The amp would cut out at times. Unfortunately while playing, There was a blueish flash from the back of the amp and I shut it down but it started to smell like burning plastic. We didn't get a chance to open it up but Ill be back up there the weekend of the 30th, so if the amp hasn't been to the shop by then I will open it up to have a look see. I really hope it isn't transformer related. If it is, I may put an offer on the amp as is. The owner still wasn't happy with the amp while I showed him how to properly set the channels knobs. I have a modded Marhsall I may offer in trade which I think would fit his taste a bit more.

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