Need Mixing Advice - Link to 2 Demo Songs

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MJ Slaughter

Well-known member
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I have no experience to speak of recording and mixing bands and need help. We've recorded our tracks for a simple demo in Sonar Producer and I'm trying to make it sound as good as possible. Please share any ideas you may have to make this sound better, more professional. There are only two songs in this link but what I can learn from you guys about those can be used on my other songs, I hope. Unfortunately I'm mixing down on PC speakers and headphones.

They're cheesy covers okay and not the entire song either. We need a new demo to pimp our band to clubs and agents in the area.

Demos at:
The bass doesn't punch but the biggest problem I hear is that the drums aren't coming through much at all. Mic 'em closer or differently, crank 'em up & compress a bit. Good songs, decent mix for beginner.. probably better than I could do but I can hear no drums.
Thanks for the input Defrag. This was a very simple recording without a board and only 2 inputs so the drums where recorder with only 2 mics; kick and overhead. The whole process was very mickey mouse. We first recorded drums, then bass, keyboard parts, guitar parts and lastly vocals. I'll work with the compression and see if I can eq the drums better to bring them out front more.

I'm having particular trouble with getting a good bass mix because the songs sound way different on my PC,headphones, car stereo, home stereo and portable CD players. I know I need some decent monitors but can't swing those yet.

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