Need info about Mark III

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Aug 19, 2007
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I found a deal, Mesa Boogie Mark III short head version: Made in between 1985-1989(production number 25913) 50W, blue stripe, it has graphic EQ, a footswitch, reverb, but doesn't have simul-class. He said, that the preamp tubes as good as new and the poweramp tubes have been there very long, but he thinks they are good to his ears.

So here's the question. Is there a big tonal difference between simul-class and non simulclass? I read abou the technology, but didn't understand it well. Need a more simplified explanation. Does that mean, that I can't switch the power(50W) lower and crank the amp or what?

well is would be 60w not 50w ... the sound is great.. it won't have that complete bottom end punch of the simlu amp's.. but it will still sound Very good..
If you've got 4 power tubes in the back, then you've got a 60/100watt power option. If only 2 tubes, then you've got a 60watter. Both are loud and have nice "girth" and bottom end. There's at least one guy on this board that feels the non-simuls have better clarity and bottom. The latter certainly makes sense as there are lots who swap out their EL34s for 6L6 tone, but I've never a/b'd a simul and a non-simul so I don't want to mislead you. The Blue stripe is a great amp, and the G-EQ is a must IMHO. If you can try it out first (or can get it at a good price), then do so.

Thanks for replys,

It was on german ebay, and went with 900USD(655EUR) and I didn't have that much :(, I would have bought a cabinet for the head also, which would have been another extra 200USD or more. So I think I'll save up some money and maybe look for one some time in the end of the year, birthday and Christmas are coming too :)