Need help...Stiletto .. bold/spongy

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2006
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Hello all, Just joined the board and also recently purchased a Stiletto. No issues with quality, sound, etc. and for all practical purposes its exactly what I think I wanted for 1700 (ouch) bucks. Here's my dilemma...

Exactly twice I have noticed my sound drop substantially while in the spongy setting. Mesas Mike Taylor indicated that there is a very faint, almost imperceptible, decible drop between B and S. This is quite true in my amps case 99% of the time. However, since this major decible drop has happened twice and then subsequently rectified itself - I can't predict or expect to recreate this condition at a time of convenience like when getting a tech to check her out so to speak....

Any advice, ideas, or maybe even a "yes Mesas do that sometimes.." will make me feel better...

Thanks in advance..
Does it also happen on the Bold setting? Both channels? At bedroom levels or higher? Effects Loop On/Off?
jbird said:
Does it also happen on the Bold setting? Both channels? At bedroom levels or higher? Effects Loop On/Off?

No, the Bold channel works as it should. It happens on both channels. I generally have the FX loop out so I'm pretty sure it happened without the loop. Also, this its definitely at bedroom levels. Gain between 10 and 12. Master at about 9'ish. Thanks for your input.
Never happened to me. Maybe its a power isssue? Maybe your power from your house caused a spike? But if its only in the spongy setting im not sure. Get it checked out...
I've had similar experiences. I usually end up leaving my amp in spongy most of the time, and there was a time when it was only played at bedroom levels for a good while. I noticed that Spongy, was a lot softer volume wise than Bold. Could be played pretty much cranked in the bedroom, while Bold was a lot louder. I dunno if this happens when you don't crank up the amp for a while or what. At this times Spongy on full volume was = to Bold on 4-7 or so. Did your amp volume drop after you were already in the spongy mode and playing, or did you just notice the volume difference between switching back and forth between Bold and Spongy.

I emailed Mesa, and it seems to be normal. They said the Spondy mode get's about 93 volts while Bold get's the full 117, resulting in a perceived volume difference when switching back and forth. Here's the email response that I got back:

">>2) I've had the amp in Spongy for a while since I got it. In spongy, I can
>>pretty much play the amp almost full on in my room without the volume being
>>overpowering. It's a lot louder in Bold though. Bold on about 5 or so is the
>>same volume as Spongy almost full on. Is there supposed to be this much
>>difference between the two settings? On the Mesa site it says Bold is a full
>>117 volts, but no specs for Spongy.
The "spongy" setting is getting the high voltage input to the pwer transformer
from a different "tap" ( think point of input) from the pwer supply
transformer. It lets the
amp "see" or use about 93 watts of electrical power going into the amp. It
makes it feel a bit looser & more "squishy" under your fingers. There will be
a perceived volume difference when going from bold to spongy & back again.

>>3) Not really a question but deals with 2. Today I played it a while in
>>Spongy, then switched to Bold and noticed the increase in volume along with
>>everything else that comes with full power. Then switched it back to Spongy,
>and it
>>seemed that Spongy was now a little louder than before. I could have been
>>imagining it though. If you leave the amp in one power setting for an
>>period, do things like this tend to happen?

It will perk your ears a little to the difference of sound level & feel
between the 2 modes.

Thanks,Michael Wolf @ Mesa Boogie"

Let me know if you find out anything else. :)
Bobbypols said:
Never happened to me. Maybe its a power isssue? Maybe your power from your house caused a spike? But if its only in the spongy setting im not sure. Get it checked out...

I guess i should do that. Although, I have reservations about a tech nailing the problem. I wish it would become consistent. That would be a good problem - a consistent one. At least I could get it diagnosed and fixed.
Barracuda said:
Bobbypols said:
Never happened to me. Maybe its a power isssue? Maybe your power from your house caused a spike? But if its only in the spongy setting im not sure. Get it checked out...

I guess i should do that. Although, I have reservations about a tech nailing the problem. I wish it would become consistent. That would be a good problem - a consistent one. At least I could get it diagnosed and fixed.

I would invest in a Furman Power Cleaner. Worth the investment to make sure you get a CLEAN 60hz 120V power supply.
Hey Xnfx, That's exactly what happened to me! I keep it on Spongy almost all the time. In my case the volume on Spongy - reasonable loud with master at 10 started disappearing and then I could crank the master to 3 or 4 and felt as if i wasn't plugged in at all. :(

I have noticed that when going from bold to spongy - spongy is loud for just a few moments and then seems to settle down.
Barracuda said:
master at 10 started disappearing and then I could crank the master to 3 or 4 and felt as if i wasn't plugged in at all. :(

Just to clarify 10 as in 10 o'clock 3-4 as in o'clock also
That settle down thing sounds similar. When I left it in Spongy a long time, then went to Bold it got louder like it's supposed to, but after a couple switches back and forth they seemed to level off a little better. Spongy got louder than it was previously, but still not as loud as Bold. Just like it should be.

I wonder if you leave it in Spongy and low volume for extended periods it tends to do that? I emailed Mesa again just to see what's up. Maybe you should too? :)

After those times my amp seems fine though. I don't know if it's just our ears getting used to the low volume and then noticing the volume jump when switching to Bold maybe? I don't think I have noticed the volume just fading while already playing. Just when switching between power modes after a long sit.
Better yet, maybe we should give them a call. As stated by Mesa in my first email reply I got from them, there is supposed to be a perceived volume difference between the two power modes. So I'm confident that it's nothing serious. :) But we should find out for sure.

"I have noticed that when going from bold to spongy - spongy is loud for just a few moments and then seems to settle down."

I have a feeling this is how it's supposed to be just from what I was told. But I'm not sure. It would make sense since it has less power than Bold. But let's find out for sure. :)
Lespaulstandard said:
The settle down thing is probably the filter caps slowly dropping to the lower votage. I think.

I think I agree and the settling down doesn't bother me as I expect Sp to be a little softer than Bold.

xnfx - I'll call M Wolf tomorrow and will post any feedback I can get.
xnfx said:
Sounds cool, let us know what the outcome is. :wink:

OK guys. Spoke to Mike Wolf. He is convinced (and I hope he is right) that its really the rectifier tube. 5U4 or 5Y3 whatever boogie calls them. He is shipping out replacements. Meanwhile, he advised me to use silicon diodes as opposed to tube rectification and see if I could recreate the problem. If it doesn't recur then Mike is golden.

BTW I gave him grief about the newly introduced Stiletto Series II and how my "classic" Stiletto being only 4 weeks old causes me to wonder if I should have waited. They have tweaked a few things etc etc. but he and I both think that the original Stilettos will be deemed classics and the real deal pretty soon. I sure hope so.....

Cheers 8)
Barracuda said:
xnfx said:
Sounds cool, let us know what the outcome is. :wink:

BTW I gave him grief about the newly introduced Stiletto Series II and how my "classic" Stiletto being only 4 weeks old causes me to wonder if I should have waited. They have tweaked a few things etc etc. but he and I both think that the original Stilettos will be deemed classics and the real deal pretty soon. I sure hope so.....

Cheers 8)

Im gonna have to think critically here, and say hes full of ****...I think when they have taken a great product and screw with it in a minor way, you get classics but when they completly revoice an amp its make or break. The new amp either sounds worse (unlikely) or much much better... IMO the rep probably just wanted to go home. Time will tell however, this arguement does not mean the stiletto is crap remember in any case.
xnfx said:
Any updates?

Hey XnFx, Received my replacement rectifier tubes on Saturday. Haven't installed them yet. Will post info asap.

Bobbypols: I hate to, but I must agree with you. I love the Stil the way it is but things can always be improved...I'll check out the new ones when they're out and if significantly better I will make sure that Randall is aware of my disgust.

Has anyone played the new ones???
i believe they will be out in may..or something...aroudn the same time when the new rk are ready. My next step will be to take the amp to voodoo. The reason is this. I LOVE the features on the stiletto. The sound is good, but its like, theres better sound in there somewhere. IM gonna make sure that they dont change voice of the amp, just modify it. Things im gonna get down are make a tighter end, more chime in the clean, more distortion articulation so i can hear everything, allow the amp to be cranked sounding at lower volumes. The only concern i have that i hear all mods they do sound the same...but when i called em they claimed they would tailor it to exactly what i want. The truth is that it WILL sound much better then the new stiletto, and im no longer gonna play games cuz the quest for tone can be a grueling and EXPENSIVE one. Also the stiletto has a special place in my heart as it was a gift.
Bobbypols said:
Also the stiletto has a special place in my heart as it was a gift.

Sounds like a plan man. Unfortunately mine was gift to myself and I MUST take my family to Italy during spring break for redemption :( :D ...

I love the Stiletto. But is is a nice pocket billiard size hole in my pocket...