Need advisement

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Jun 23, 2006
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Hey everyone. I am new to the Mesa forum but not new to Mesa gear. Here is my current setup.

Digitech 2120
Mesa Boogie 50/50
Mesa Recto 4x12 slanted cabinet.

I am really considering upgrading my digitech 2120 to a Triaxis. The digitech 2120 does have 2 tubes and I do use the tube distortion but everything still seems to have a sonic digitech sound. I hear the triaxis is awesome but have never been able to play one because NO stores carry them. I have been doing a significant amount of reading and am unsure as to what version (modded/non-modded) to get so any advisement would be extremely helpful.

Also, I would keep the digitech for my effects because it does carry quality delays/reverbs/choruses etc... Lastly, has anyone actually made the jump from digitech 2120 to a triaxis?

Any other comments are welcome. Thanks.

I went from a Digitech 2101 to a Mesa Rectifier preamp......the Mesa wins!

Well, Ryan, I went from a Roland GP-16 to the Triaxis, way back in '93, and I've never looked back. My guess is that you'll feel the same way about your Digitech. In fact, I'll bet you'll be getting a different unit for time-based effects, before long, and never missing the Digitech.

I love the Triaxis, and have learned very much by having it for 13 years. That said, if you have a very good idea of the kind of sounds you want, you can probably do better than getting the Triaxis. I think that one of the Triaxis's greatest attributes is its versatility, but if you just need a couple of sounds, you may want to contemplate other options.

If you're an inveterate tweaker of tones, the Triaxis may just be for you.

- T
I would say that if you like the tone of M/B Mark I and Mark III amps, you'll love the tones from the Triaxis. It's gorgeous sounding for all but the heavy metal detuning, 7-stringers.

If you love the dual rectifier metal sound, you can't get quite as heavy as that, and would do better with a different preamp like the Recto Recording pre, for example.
I own a Stereo 2:50 and am looking for a preamp. Would you recommend the Recto Recording Pre for Incubus-type sounds from the Morning View/Make Yourself cds? I want to know how the Pre would sound compared to Mike's Tremoverbs...