Need advice on pedal order for the 'Dyne

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Apr 2, 2008
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I've narrowed my soon-to-get wish list to the TC Electronics Nova Delay, Barber tone press, Fulltone GT-500. I already have an Ibanez Wah, BBE Sonic Maximizer, Boss EQ pedal (for clean boost), two volume pedals and an ABY box that I will probably not use and a Boss tuner.

I plan on putting the delay in the loop, and possibly the Sonic Maximizer .

I was wondering if anyone who owns any of these pedals can help me with the order sequence they should be laid out in.

I assume tuner-Wah-EQ, but after that I'm not sure what direction to go in, and I don't want to get stuck in the land of analysis paralysis, as I am often prone to do.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Ok, I will have a go.

I would go tuner, wah, tonepress, GT-500, EQ in your guitar line, if the EQ is for boosting your signal. I would then go vol pedal, BBE, and delay in the loop. This only uses 1 vol pedal. If you want the best tone through your loop you need to avoid the vol pedal. Have a look at the new SS Volcano. Not that I am trying to spend your cash for you. I have just done this and it has made a massive difference.

Cheers Rich
I appreciate the input.

I AM a bit concerned, though, that I might sacrifice some of the tone with all the pedals, which would defeat the purpose. The BBE should compensate for that, though, right?
The BBE doesn't compensate for signal loss in your pedals, I think I am right in saying it pushes bass and treble frequencies through at the same time. You really don't need it with this amp. Designed really for PA's.
I will post my pedalboard rig tomorrow. I run4 pedals through a Musicomlab switcher to avoid the signal loss. It sounds fab.
With the graphic are you boosting your signal or looking to increase volume for solos?

I have chased the dragon for years and spent silly cash. I have worked out to get the best tone you need a switcher. To boost the signal I use a Suhr ISO boost which is so clean it is untrue. To boost volume I send a midi signal to the Volcano in the loop which then goes to the delay. I also use a vol pedal as a manual volume control/expression to the Volcano. This way I can preset vols which is really good with the ED, but I can also swell into the delay.
This way there is absolutely minimal tone/signal loss.

Cheers Rich
In the loop; TU2tuner-->RV5reverb(set to modulate)-->tremolo-->DD3delay
Out front; Bad Monkey
'round back; Mesa footswitch and Mesa reverb on/off footswitch.

Only pedal I've really used for months is the delay though.
I use the on board Mesa reverb in clean/Lo and having the footswitch
pedal to select singularly rather than off/dual was a big plus.
Don't know why Mesa didn't gang a Reverb switch on the factory pedal. :?:
dunstanmus said:
With the graphic are you boosting your signal or looking to increase volume for solos?

I was hoping to achieve solo volume boost....that or use a mild od pedal. As far as the BBE, I would be rather relieved to not have to add yet one more pedal in the mix if I could avoid it.

I couldn't pull up the pic of your rig....will have to try later.....looking forward to it!
Your graphic or MXR Micro amp will work in the loop before your delay to give a solo boost. The BBE won't give you a better sound, just different. Load everything else in your gtr line and it will sound mint! You will lose tone through your vol pedals so I would avoid personally.

Cheers Rich

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