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Jun 12, 2010
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I am new to the forum but have been a silent observer for two years. During this time I owned a Roadster. The Roadster was good to me and was a real work horse, however no matter how hard I tried in the end it just wasn't the sound I was looking for. Not bashing the roadster, it is a great amp and has a lowend gut punch that can leave you winded. It just wasn't what I needed. With much hestation I sold the Roadster and purchased a Mark V in red bronco tolex with matching 2x12 vertical cab with tan grill cloth. (will post pictures later)

Tried it out in the store at very low volumes and made the purchase. I can never get a good feel for a amp in a music store. I always make sure I can return after I get home to try it out. Anway bought the amp brought it home and it sounded like like two cats fighting in a tin can! Needless to say I was wishing my roadster was back! After a couple of minutes trouble shooting, found a bad preamp tube, swapped it out and gave it another whirl. It did not take long to figure out I made the right decision in going with the mark V. The instant response and clarity really blew me away. I am really digging the sounds. I have a lot of reading and tweaking ahead. Just wanted to formally join and share my new found excitement. More to come.............
Awesome! Welcome!

Yeah when I brought mine home I started playing it and it sounded anemic! I then deeply regretted selling the Lonestar but then I later realized the FX Loop knob was all the way down! Put it at 12:00 and voila! Amp came alive!!!! : )
You Got a great amp.....sounds yummy. I've had mine for 6 months and still can't get over the sounds you can get from this thang...every time I power it up it gets better. It's just as much of an instument as the guitar is...spend time with each channel esp #2. That baby can go from semi clean to wailing with the touch of your hands and vol. control on guitar. If you have a cop. for a little boost gain it gets even better. enjoy.
Thanks, I had all intentions of ordering a standard black head and use it with my 2x12 road king cab. I knew this particular setup was at my local dealer and when I went to try it out the dealer told me they would sell it to me at regular cost without paying the upcharge for the custom color. After I talked it over with my financial advisor (my wife) I went ahead and gave in to the gas that was consuming me. Just kidding though. My wife is pretty cool she knew I was wanting a vertical cab and on the ride down she actually brought up asking the dealer to knock off the upcharge and if so if I liked it to go ahead and get it.

Now I need to find a home for a sweet 2x12 road king cab. I haven't even played the Mark V through the road king cab yet because I am scared I might like the mix of the c90 and v30 better than the vertical cab. I was blown away with the sound initially with vertical cab so I don't I want to muddy the water just yet, plus I really can't justify keeping both.