I've read through a lot of posts and haven't found anything really useful for this issue. I have an old unit, SN# T0449, and I have isolated it as much as I can with just the outputs connected to something I can measure. I get 60Hz and 120Hz measured on the outputs and it goes up in down with the volume controls. This is of course with nothing else connected to it.
I also tried buying all new tube sets for it, and it's still the same.
I've tried ungrounding the power - No change
I've tried flipping Hot/Neutral - No change
My guess is that either the powersupply has bad filter caps or something similar or something else is wrong since everyone seems to say that these units should be fairly noise-free.
Unfortunately, it's super audible even when using a clean channel and not acceptable as it is. It's as loud as a ringing note, so if I don't play something that "B" sounds good with, it sounds terrible. :/
I've contacted Mesa, but I am curious if anyone is techie enough on here to have dealt with this before. I saw one other post here that was specific to this issue, but no solution posted.
Here's an image of the output measured with nothing else connected to it. This 60/120 is present on ALL outputs, record out, and FX Send out.
Only when connected to the actual output, the volume POTs turned down also turn down this noise.
I also tried buying all new tube sets for it, and it's still the same.
I've tried ungrounding the power - No change
I've tried flipping Hot/Neutral - No change
My guess is that either the powersupply has bad filter caps or something similar or something else is wrong since everyone seems to say that these units should be fairly noise-free.
Unfortunately, it's super audible even when using a clean channel and not acceptable as it is. It's as loud as a ringing note, so if I don't play something that "B" sounds good with, it sounds terrible. :/
I've contacted Mesa, but I am curious if anyone is techie enough on here to have dealt with this before. I saw one other post here that was specific to this issue, but no solution posted.
Here's an image of the output measured with nothing else connected to it. This 60/120 is present on ALL outputs, record out, and FX Send out.
Only when connected to the actual output, the volume POTs turned down also turn down this noise.