My Personal Favorite Clip I've Recorded (Mark IIC+ Content)

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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This clip came together with my 14 year old son. He is on a huge Guns n Roses kick right now and he wanted to do one of their tunes. We didn't want to do the normal tunes so we decided on You Could Be Mine. I put the drums together and recorded the bass two nights ago. Added just a hint of flanger to the bass track. He is the rhythm on the left and I am the rhythm on the right. He used his Epiphone Les Paul into my Mark IIC+. I used my Schecter Hellraiser into the IIC+.
He performed all of the solos in the tune. In fact, he improvised most of the leads.

This was seriously one of the most fun clips I ever recorded (partly because of how far my son is coming along). I had so much fun I was inspired to record my own version (posted below). I did all of the rhythm and leads on my version.

Tell me what you think of the clip. Just thought I would share!!:thu:

Compilation clip (my son doing the leads)

My clip doing all of the guitars myself
good tones... but i think it sounds weird on that song... cause i know that song so well (its one of my fav gnr)

I do always enjoy your recordings, you mind explaining your setup?

that is what you use to do the drums, and actually record? is everything pc based, do you have a mixer interface..
i want to be able to record songs like that at my house

dmcguitar said:
good tones... but i think it sounds weird on that song... cause i know that song so well (its one of my fav gnr)

I do always enjoy your recordings, you mind explaining your setup?

that is what you use to do the drums, and actually record? is everything pc based, do you have a mixer interface..
i want to be able to record songs like that at my house


Weird in that a Mark series tones are producing tones normally recorded with a Marshall? Just curious. I wasn't necessarily going for a Marshall tone here. I like doing my own thing and not cop the original tones. To me it is fun to hear how different amps can perform compared to the original tunes. I used a Maxon OD-9 to boost the rhythms. In retrospect I wish I wouldn't have done that. I felt it compressed it more than I wished. Oh well!

My recording chain is as follows:

Guitar -> OD-9 -> Rocktron Xpression (for delays) -> Mesa Mark IIC+ -> Bogner OS 2x12 -> M-Audio Mobile PRE USB -> nTrack 6 (DAW). Bass was recorded direct through the mic pre with a cheap Yamaha into a Sansamp Bass DI. Added a little flanger to the bass guitars. Drums were created in midi and sampled with Steven Slate drums. My setup is pretty basic (and ghetto) compared to most but I like the quality I get out of it.
i didnt mean anything bad by saying weird. Its that I am so used to hearing that song.. with a thinner trebley marshall sound... and your tone was thicker and has a more pronounced mid voice (to me thats the best i can describe it, beefier perhaps). I am a fan of the C+ sound, its just that I expect marshall on that song... you know when you are used to something being consistent for so long, and then its changed slightly... it catches you off guard.

i am looking for something ghetto ish.. ahaahha.. not expensive; plus the singer in my band does all the audio stuff so he has all the high quality stuff, I just want to be able to record something things at home... maybe make some demos.. songs, or backing tracks to jam to.

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