My new amp (Stiletto Ace combo) is on it's way!!

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That amp is vintage son!! Cool stuff. That sounds about like what I remember the crunch channel sounding like on the Deuce at the store. Thanks for sharing!
Now that I have my Ernie Ball JP BFR back (had to send it in for some repairs) I took it down to the music store and played that Deuce again (all in 50W spongy to emulate the combo's power). Holy Shnikeys!!!!! It was f-ing amazing! It was thick, fat, creamy, and screaming! I was able to dial in some fairly familiar Recto-esque tones (minus the boomy bass) with the treble down and some very cool high gain Marshall-esque tones with the treble up. I had one of the employees (whom I usually just say 'hi' to in passing) come up to me and say, "man, that sounds awesome!". I couldn't agree more!! It was like a much better version of the ol' Les Paul into a Marshall type tone. Killer!

I've got three more days until my Ace combo comes in and i've never been more pumped...

BFR + Stiletto = Orgasmic
dmotisko said:
Les Paul + Stiletto = Double Orgasm :lol:

Absolutely. In fact, I'm wondering if anybody has had much luck using a Strat w/the Stiletto at all? I've always been a Strat guy, but just can't get it to pair up well w/the Stiletto. But I don't care that much since my SG sounds so good through it. Anybody have any tricks for using a Strat?? Hotter pickups maybe?
SBG200 said:
dmotisko said:
Les Paul + Stiletto = Double Orgasm :lol:

Absolutely. In fact, I'm wondering if anybody has had much luck using a Strat w/the Stiletto at all? I've always been a Strat guy, but just can't get it to pair up well w/the Stiletto. But I don't care that much since my SG sounds so good through it. Anybody have any tricks for using a Strat?? Hotter pickups maybe?

I use a 07 American Strat Deluxe through it. The cleans are awesome but the dirt is a little hard to tame. Since there is so much gain on hand with the Stiletto I use the crunch mode on Channel 2 for a nice bluesy sound or Just run my Strat in the clean channel with my BB preamp to give it some dirt. It sounds very good with the BB in the clean channel Very Gilmore type tone. I also run a Boss EQ-20 in the loop so I could do little tweaks as needed but nothing out of the control. Just maybe a 1db bump here or there to spread some frequencies that the knobs on the Stiletto miss. Single coils are a big difference through the amp. I do not like to change the tone settings on the amp from guitar to guitar so I tailor the guitars to it. So I run my strat for the nice bluesy clean to mild drive with the BB and it handles it well.
dmotisko said:
Les Paul + Stiletto = Double Orgasm :lol:

That probably sounds pretty killer too! But, to be honest, I think LPs are overly thick and fat. I like the focus and overall tightness of the EB JP guitar. The standard is basswood body and maple neck so it is more tame and focused through the Stiletto (think super strat), but the BFR is alder body, mahogany tone block, maple top, and mahogany neck so it has a much thicker tone but still remains focused and clear (thanks to the same pickups). The Les Paul is definitely chunk city though! I personally think the BFR offers a bit more tamed thickness while still beefing up the tone enough to sound good (awesome actually). This is based on my previous dealings with Les Pauls and the like so I could be wrong!
MusicManJP6 said:
dmotisko said:
Les Paul + Stiletto = Double Orgasm :lol:

That probably sounds pretty killer too! But, to be honest, I think LPs are overly thick and fat. I like the focus and overall tightness of the EB JP guitar. The standard is basswood body and maple neck so it is more tame and focused through the Stiletto (think super strat), but the BFR is alder body, mahogany tone block, maple top, and mahogany neck so it has a much thicker tone but still remains focused and clear (thanks to the same pickups). The Les Paul is definitely chunk city though! I personally think the BFR offers a bit more tamed thickness while still beefing up the tone enough to sound good (awesome actually). This is based on my previous dealings with Les Pauls and the like so I could be wrong!

My LP sounds fantastic not extremely thick. I swapped out the pickups and am running a Dimarzio Air Norton (neck) and Dimarzio Air Zone (Bridge) and it sounds killer. I beleive your EBMM"s have Dimarzio's in them. I also run a modded 74 Tele Deluxe which is Alder Body Maple Neck with Dimarzios a Tone Zone (bridge) and Air Nortin (Neck) it is Hotter than my LP and sounds killer as well.

I do know what you mean wen you say thick and fat though. I searched for 6 months to find the one that I own. It is a 07 classic with chambered body and a great Plain Top which gives it it's brightness. I was anal when choosing a LP mostly testing them without a amp just to hear the resonance and brightness of the guitar itself.

Here she is.

Before the Pickup swap.

My Ace kicked *** with both a Les Paul and a Tele.. just have to dial the EQ a bit differently or the single coils will Van Gogh your ear.

I have to say I preferred the LP though :)
Nice LP man! Pickups make a big difference for sure as does the top. I'd say yours sounds killer! And, you are correct, both of my JPs have DiMarzio pickups although the standard's are both custom wound. The D-Sonic in the BFR is supposed to be standard.
I see you have an Ace listed in your sig - does that mean your Ace arrived? I also noticed that you use yours with a GT-8... I use a GT-Pro with mine to great effect.
Hey Moot - I went ahead and updated my sig coz my ACE is arriving today! The series loop should allow me to use the GT-8 with it using the 4 cable method. I was very happy with my setup when i had my Rectoverb and GT-8 hooked up.... aside from a few elements about the Recto that I didn't like. The Stiletto should fix all that though!

Now, let's just hope UPS didn't beat the **** out of my amp on it's trek from California...
Gratz on the Ace MM 8) . I'm using the GT10 in 4CM with my Deuce. It's an awesome setup for sure for flexibility.
insideout said:
Gratz on the Ace MM 8) . I'm using the GT10 in 4CM with my Deuce. It's an awesome setup for sure for flexibility.

How do you utilize the GT-10 when you've got a Stiletto? The amp has got such great tones on it's own that I don't understand why you'd use the preamp. Part of me wants one, GT-10, but I always have had trouble justifying such a device when I'm using a high dollar great sounding amp already. Part of my problem is I like things simple. I'm easily confused. :?

Help me justify spending $500 on another cool toy. Don't let my wife find out! :wink:
My Ace just came in!!! I'm going home in an hour for my lunch break!!!!

MJSlaughter - the keywords here are "4 cable method". Do a search for more info but simply put it allows the Mesa's preamp to be used in place of the GT-8's preamps. That way you can order effects (thanks to the GT's editable fx chain) so that time-based effects are applied after the preamp (or 'in the fx loop') and distortions and envelope type effects are placed before the preamp (or 'in front'). It can also change your amp's channels at the same time it changes effects. It's a VERY cool setup.

I used to have the same view as you on the multi-FX with a nice tube amp until I found out about the 4 cable method. It really is the bee's knees! I don't use the GT's amp models (preamp) at all when using it with the Mesa. I did however take my GT-8 to a jam session and plugged it up straight to the PA and got some VERY good results. It's an excellent unit. The GT-10 is a little better, but I prefer the 8 still...
MusicManJP6 said:
MJSlaughter - the keywords here are "4 cable method". Do a search for more info but simply put it allows the Mesa's preamp to be used in place of the GT-8's preamps. That way you can order effects (thanks to the GT's editable fx chain) so that time-based effects are applied after the preamp (or 'in the fx loop') and distortions and envelope type effects are placed before the preamp (or 'in front'). It can also change your amp's channels at the same time it changes effects. It's a VERY cool setup.

I used to have the same view as you on the multi-FX with a nice tube amp until I found out about the 4 cable method. It really is the bee's knees! I don't use the GT's amp models (preamp) at all when using it with the Mesa. I did however take my GT-8 to a jam session and plugged it up straight to the PA and got some VERY good results. It's an excellent unit. The GT-10 is a little better, but I prefer the 8 still...

I'm down to an hour or so before the amp arrives! It is going to be a glorious lunch break today!

That makes sense MusicManJP6. And having it at a gig would be great for a backup if something catastrophic happened to my Boogie. Do you use overdrive pedals in front of the amp as well?

I bet you're about to pee yourself waiting, anticipating the arrival of your amp. I've been there before. Let us know that it arrived in one piece! There’s no doubt that you're going to love it.
Man, it just hit the door! It's in perfect condition and it was packed exceptionally well. I'm happy as christmas! I update on it's tone after lunch!

The GT-8 would be a very viable backup solution for sure as long as a PA is present (at most gigs that's the case). I've actually got some patches setup for a Rectifier that matches my amp's tone fairly well. Of course that was back when I had the Rectoverb... I've moved up in the world since then. :lol:
MusicmanJP6: now tell me if you're hearing what I'm hearing, but on Ch 2 would you rather have Crunch with gain around 11-noon, or Tite Gain with gain around 9-10:00. In other words, if you set up both so the amount of gain is approximately the same "to the ear", isn't Tite Gain a beefier tone? I haven't been able to use Crunch for that reason, just sounds thin to me in comparison.
I'll confirm what you are hearing on my lunch break in about 30 minutes. But, judging from the Deuce I played at the music store, what you have described sounds accurate.

Is it lunch time yet?! :p
Hey Jab. If I don't need pristeen cleans I prefer the crunch on channel 1 by far and setup channel to for tite gain with only moderate gain levels as you. I've heard others say similar things about the crunch on channel 2 not being as nice as on channel 1. By using light crunch on 1 and little gain on 2 I use my overdrive to goose the gains when needed and have been happy with that routine.