My Mark III setup (detailed)

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May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
I don't know if my setup is particularly unique but the info may be of use to someone, and maybe a forumite can suggest a few fixes.

I’m using a 1989 Green stripe Mark III combo at the moment, (EV 12L), a Korg A3 FX unit, an Axess CFX4 for the amp channel switching and an ADA midi controller to switch the A3 and CFX. I also use a sealed 1x 12 box with an EV 12L.

I'm currently running (6L6s & EL 34s) sovtecks that came with the amp.
According to the current wisdom here these are probably not the best operating or tonal choice for the amp anyway. They seem to work ok so far.

However I’m not getting enough headroom in the clean mode and getting o/p stage distortion makes me too loud when in the lead mode. If I switch to class A (25watts) then I lose more headroom.

Being able to mod the amp to switch between Simul and Class A with a midi controller and a relay set would be great, but someone already canvassed that idea in another post with little success.

I play in a blues/funk/soul/jazz band and I lean toward warm sounds with a very smooth top end. The band is moderately loud and occasionally getting a clean sound while playing jazz and blues chords is a problem. If I played in a Roadhouse style blues band no problem, play slightly distorted all night and control it from the Guitar volume pot.

I realise that settings below are asking a lot of an 85w amp. All that bottom end requires a lot of power. Plus the presence is on zero so the perceived loudness is probably a bit down as well.

I’m going for a very warm fat sound in the rhythm setting with the

Volume on 5
Treble 7
Middle 7
Bass on 2 pulled
Master on 2 pulled
Lead drive 7
Lead master 5 pulled
Presence 0

To counter act Bass Flab in the Lead mode I use the graphic in lead Auto on and cut 80, 240 and 750 as required.

I have the A3 in the FX loop with patches setup with different levels/reverbs/delays/EQs etc for rhythm, lead, crunch, chorus etc.

Using the CFX4 I can even get a 4th MK III mode and have the R2 and lead on together with the A3 supplying a bit of extra EQ.
Having an A3 patch for R2 even gets around the volume and tone independence in that mode as well. I get unity gain through the A3 and FX loop.

I really pleased with the overall sound, versatility, and functionality of this setup; it’s just that I’m occasionally running out of headroom. I’m going to try new tubes when I can afford it, and thanks to all the people who helped on my 4 6L6 MK III post.

Any one else find that 60-85w head/combo is not always loud enough for loud super clean chordal work??

Is power stage distortion worth the bother?

I pulled my rack gear out of mothballs today and re racked it.

Quad Preamp (better sounds than the MK III)
Korg A3
Crown XLS 602 power amp (350w per side into 8 ohms)
ADA midi controller
Ibanez TS9
2 1x12 EV 12L boxes (200w)
Need a channel switcher, the Quad blew a relay in my Axess CFX4.
Thinking about The Amp Gizmo (relays handle twice the switching current)

Sounded surprisingly good for a solid state P.A power amp. I’ll take it to the next rehearsal and see how it sounds.

I used to use a Mesa Strat 400 but it was too heavy and kept blowing tubes. It had absolutely beautiful warm soft room filling sound. I loved playing big Em11 or Em9#5 chords with stereo chorus.

No power amp distortion for leads but the Quad sounded so good I barely missed my old MKI and MkIIb.

Hope the Crown will do the job until I can afford another valve power amp.
Maybe a 50:50 would be loud enough.

Ciao for now



In my experience, Boogies have never been that good at getting loud while staying clean....but in all fairness they're designed to break up. About the only recommendation I can see making is to turn the gain down and the master volume up, then reset you're lead master to balance the volumes again.

Also, if you're considering adding a power amp check out the 2:100. It'll have headroom than what you have now.