My Boogie just!

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Jul 27, 2005
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My boogie f-30 just died about 10 minutes ago and i am at a total lost of what to do. I am not living in the u.s.a and i can't ship it back to mesa.

I was just practicing and i take good care of my amp. It has been totally problem for past 4 mths...and suddenly i hear this sound....look towards the amp and smoke was coming out from behind. I took my cable out of the amp and smoke was coming out of the input jack also.

I feel like i just died and i am not sure what to do. The amp tech i phoned said it could take up to 2 weeks. You guys have any idea what i could do to to at least know the seriousness of my problem?
Check the tubes and fuse first. The smoke is pretty alarming but with luck its just a tube (tubes blowing can take a fuse with them).

I have noticed a burny smell when a fuse goes, but no actual smoke.

Hope it isn't more serious.
Thanks for the reply.

I have taken out all the preamp tubes and they seem fine. The power tubes look good too and the fuse is also fine.

I have asked around most of them said it was a transformer problem.

Should the worst happen...i will have to send my amp back to mesa and it will cost me alot of money. worked for 4 mths problem free.
Sounds like an electrolytical capacitor(s) burned out. Although they're more common with older amp, I would assumed it could happen to a newer amp like yours too.

If that's the case, a technician should have it running in no time assuming he has the these parts and likely he should. A good technician amp should always have supplies of electrolytic capacitors :wink:
Hi Sanchez, I am from Singapore.

Guys, i took it to an amp tech someone recommeneded me. Its a really small country and we don't have much techs around. It seems that he told me its defintiely a transformer problem. He took out the chassis for me and the board seems fine. No burns or anything. But we looked into the hole into the transformer, the cables seem all burnt and the smell was coming from there.

He also tried to see if it was a fuse problem at first and the fuse kept blowing. I am pretty inexperienced in the amp department and i would trust what he said to me to be true.

I gave michael wolf a call and he said i would have to ship it to hong kong or back to california itself to get it fixed. I know doing any non-mesa repairs would void the warranty, but the shipping is really insane.

Mine is an export set probably using UK power supply. Rated at 230V. What would you guys recommend and suggest i do? The tech said that the mesa transformer was custom made and i could probably only get one from mesa itself. If i were to get another one, it would have to be mounted outside of the chassis cause the size would be different. It is not something i would mine as long as i get to hear and play my amp again.

(long post and i really appreciate you guys for reading this and helping me out)