My 2:100 and a new Cab (ques)

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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I have a Recto Pre and 2:100 paired up together. I love the combo. :)

Currently, I am running it with just a Mesa Boogie 2x12 Recto cab. I'm thinking of selling the 2x12 soon because I'd like to get some Bogner Cubes (1x12). Long story short, A) I like the Bogner Cube, and B) I really haven't had the need for the 2x12 since I've started college, and C) one or two 1x12's is just easier for me.

The thing is this... my 2x12 can handle 120 watts. The Bogner 1x12 is just a single V30 (60 watts I believe). And obviously, the amp can push out 100 watts (per channel).

At first, I'd like to get just one 1x12, and run it on one channel. And then maybe down the road get another 1x12, and run it through the other channel (eventually, cause they're rather expensive; otherwise I should also be able to run both cabs on one channel using the 4-ohm outputs together).

My question and concern is this... what are the risks and chances of damaging/blowing the speaker in the 1x12 (cause the wattage is less)? My understanding right now, is that assuming I don't run the 2:100 anywhere near full-output, I should be fine (and I largely stay between 9:00 and 10:00 lately :()... my thinking is that since I don't max the output of the 2:100, I shouldn't have any problems. But is this line of thought true?

Hope to get a definite answer! :)
Of course you can leave it like that keeping the poweramp volume low.. But why have you bought such a monster of poweramp, if it is connected to a low wattage cab? You don't buy a Corvette or Ferrari on toy tires to drive 20 mph with or?

There's always the risk, that the poweramp will kill the cab
:roll: .. Do yourself a favour and save money till you can buy an appropriate one, with at least 200 watts.
I have what I have because a few years ago I needed it and used it for what it can do. But for the last couple years I've been in college, still in college, and guitar has taken a far back seat to other priorities in life. I dearly enjoy playing, and really it is nothing more than hobby to me at this point, but I still love to play it when I can.

And the reason I want the cab I do is because I love how they sound; and the Bogner cube doesn't come in anything higher wattage (unless I replace the speaker, which I do not want to do). I have a more than adequate cab right now :lol: I just don't want it anymore, I'd rather be using Bogner 1x12's.
How are you running your amp now??

Tube amps require a load on the output, if you run your amp with one side disconnected your transformer will blow. If you intend on using a 1x12 with that beast you will need a reactive load such as THD hotplate for the unused channel. Also I would recommend a Mesa 20/20 poweramp with the 1x12 cabs. It is 20 Watts per side using EL84 Tubes.

I have a friend that would probably be interested in trading his 20/20 for a 2:100. Or possibly just selling his 20/20
I suspect that's not quite true; I am not certain about the 2:100 but the manuals to other Mesa power amps like the 50/50 and the Simul 395 indicate that if you're not going to use one of the sides, leave it on standby and make sure that no input goes to that channel. That should be safe, and that's how I run my 395.

You're not going to hurt a 60 watt speaker with that amp as long as you don't crank it. It won't be putting out anywhere near 100 watts if you're playing at practice levels (I'll be damned if I know why somebody would use a 2:100 at practice levels, but I digress). However I'd be wary of using that configuration at a gig unless it's a pretty small one.
Thats the first time I ever saw that in my 50/50 manual. I never really worried about it because it spent all of its time hooked up to the recto 4x12 in stereo. Thats good to know. I guess since there is no input at all the tubes remain at idle. Just hope you dont ever have a bad pot that doesn't turn down all the way cause that could make for a very unpleasent experience.
Thanks for the info/help/etc.

I have a friend that would probably be interested in trading his 20/20 for a 2:100. Or possibly just selling his 20/20

lol... Though I'd be tempted, I love the Modern mode, and I won't get the real sound without having the Recto Pre paired with the 2:100. :(

How are you running your amp now??
The 2:100 manual states that if you run only one channel, the channel that isn't being used should have the level ZEROed out, and the presence set all the way to full.

However... if you run it with the Recto Pre, the Recto Pre bypasses these level controls on the poweramp (that part of the poweramps circuit is disabled/disconnected)... this is because the Pre controls the volume output in this setup. So, to run only one channel... you only hook up one of the Pre's outputs to the poweramp. So I run the LEFT 'live out' of the pre into the 2:100, and then that goes off to my cab. Since I do not hook up the RIGHT 'live out' to the 2:100, the 2:100 sees no signal... hence, the other channel is essentially "zero-ed out". This is all pretty much stated and implied if you read both the Pre's and 2:100's manuals.
I had forgotten that the 2:100 doesn't have separate standby switches for each channel like the 395 does...I guess that's why I never thought much of it.
I figured this might be a good post to show my new 2:100...
PUBH said:
However... if you run it with the Recto Pre, the Recto Pre bypasses these level controls on the poweramp (that part of the poweramps circuit is disabled/disconnected)... this is because the Pre controls the volume output in this setup. So, to run only one channel... you only hook up one of the Pre's outputs to the poweramp. So I run the LEFT 'live out' of the pre into the 2:100, and then that goes off to my cab. Since I do not hook up the RIGHT 'live out' to the 2:100, the 2:100 sees no signal... hence, the other channel is essentially "zero-ed out". This is all pretty much stated and implied if you read both the Pre's and 2:100's manuals.

I disagree. Running the pre into the 2:100 with the "recto inputs" does disable the controls on the power amp, but to only run one side, I'd still do the volume down presence up thing. Probably the best thing to do is get or make some sort of load plug for the side you are not using.

just my two cents...

edit: oh, and I by far prefer NOT to use the "Recto inputs". Having the controls on the power amp increases options and to my ear, sounds better.

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