Moving from JVM410h back to Mesa!

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Aug 12, 2007
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Can someone suggest a few Mesa'? I had a Triple Rectifier a few years ago, and always remembered the great tones I got out of it. The last 3 years I have been playing a Marshall JVM410h with my Mesa 4x12 cabinet. Got some great sounds, but lately just not feeling it. Plus my favorite channel is noisy and hissing.

I do like built in reverb if possible, but not stuck to that feature as built in. Mostly a home player, but don't want to sacrifice on tone or quality. Will consider a combo amp as well.

I like two core features, killer dirty with lower end, and nice and clean. Honestly, 4 channels is a waste for me, but will buy anything to get the tones I want.

Thanks in advance.


Dallas, Texas
I'd recommend a Mark V or a Roadster (2011 or newer). Both amps have amazing clean channels and nice tube-driven reverb. Also, you can get anything from incredible overdriven tones to nice fat, saturated leads.
Looking at the Mark 5 now. What an incredible head. I will most likely go that route based on so many awesome reviews and reputation.

I just got one myself!

I've been through quite a few Mesas in the past couple of years and this one is the one I'm keeping!
Love it with the reverb. That triple rec was awesome, but hated using pedals for that.
I say roadster. I have one and I love the versatility. I say you have to play them to know for sure. It took me 10 minutes to figure it out that although the Mark V is a great amp, but it just wasn't the one for me.
I went from a Roadster to a JVM410H. Now maybe something is wrong with my Roadster but it just does not get the high gain sound as the JVM without a little help from a pedal. Not knocking the Roadster...just a warning if you like the high gain (especially at low volumes) of the JVM, you may not like the Roadster. Give one a try though, I still have not given up on my Roadster.
Thanks for the input!!

Sweetwater has both the combo, and the Mark 5 head. I have a Mesa 4x12 Cabinet. Anyone have a preference on the head vs. combo?
I have a JVM410H and bought recently an used Mesa Mark V head !

The Mark V is probably the most versatile head to compare with the JVM410H. The gain, bass, and presence of all channel and of course the EQ of the Mesa Mark V is better than the JVM. You probably notice that if you set a gain past 12:00 on OD1-OD2, channel become muddy... I have put later an Alexis MEQ-230 (an EQ) in the loop of the Marshall to get a more decent tone, like the Mesa Mark have :) OD1 and OD2 are noisy channel too...

Mesa Mark lack of "Marshall" tone sure (can probably get a close tone if power tube is replaced with EL34, but I didn't try yet), but you can get a good clean tone and of course a decent high gain tone... !! Crunch channel is the closest "Marshall" sound with the Mesa, I love the full bass of this channel !!
Thanks! I am reaching the end of my limits with my JVM. Hissing and other weird noises, and after tubes were changed, have changed my view on this AMP. Mine is a 2010, and I am reading that the newest versions have some of the same noise problems.
I had recently purchased a JVM215C combo, and I had the same issue with it - it was really noisy. I especially had a problem running the Noise Suppressor pedal in the Effects Loop. I got some good tones out of it to be sure, but I couldn't get passed the noise.

I then tried a Mesa Express 5:50+ and instantly loved it. Tones were great, superb reverb, volume boost and EQ. I couldn't believe how much of a superior amp it was by comparison. I returned the Marshall (thanks Guitar Center 30 day trial) and picked up the Mesa at local shop. Such a great amplifier..... and it was even cheaper than the Marshall!

First post by the way. Hello from So Cal. :)
Nice pick. I love both Mesa and Marshall products. I put the JVM in the shop. The JVM had a blown resistor, and they set the bias correctly. Sounds great now, but may sell it anyway and get a Mesa.

My Triple Rectifier was awesome. Wish I still had that!

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