I ordered a 2 quads of tubes for the amp and tried them out today.both JJ e34l and kt77..
so far i like both the JJ e34l and stock mesa 6l6gc better than the JJ kt77.
the KT 77 just seemed to scoop the crap out of the tone and make the amp overly boxy sounding
now for the e34L.that's were it is at gave the amp a nice snarl in the mids and kinda retained the thump of the 6l6gc.nothing some tweaks of the EQ shouldn't fix.
so i am going to try the kt77's in my fja modded windsor they may do well in that amp.after thinking about it i should have not bothered with the kt77.I had them in my splawn nitro and didn't care for them and prefered the E34L and sovtek kt88 to them.
so far i like both the JJ e34l and stock mesa 6l6gc better than the JJ kt77.
the KT 77 just seemed to scoop the crap out of the tone and make the amp overly boxy sounding
now for the e34L.that's were it is at gave the amp a nice snarl in the mids and kinda retained the thump of the 6l6gc.nothing some tweaks of the EQ shouldn't fix.
so i am going to try the kt77's in my fja modded windsor they may do well in that amp.after thinking about it i should have not bothered with the kt77.I had them in my splawn nitro and didn't care for them and prefered the E34L and sovtek kt88 to them.