Mini Rectifier as live amp - clean channel?

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Oct 15, 2012
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Hi guys!

I'm thinking about bying a Mesa Mini Rectifier as reviews have blown me away and playing the amp at a guitar centre did the rest..Awesome amp...
First I thought about buying the amp for home practicing and recording...But now I am thinking about ditching my Dual Rec in it's huge rack and switching over to the Mini Rec!
I am sick of just leaving the overall volume at 9 o clock and master at 11 not be killed by the sound mixers in the clubs we are playing...

Our style is Hard Rock/Rock and I am not worried about channel II of the Mini Rec to not deliver stage volume...But what about the clean channel? Any experiences with that? Is it sufficient enough to deliver clean volumes for stage? We usually play in clubs with 300-600 people and open-air festivals in the summer. I don't want to rely on just the monitor in front of me:)
As cabs I can use 4x12 Mesas..

Hope you guys can help me out..
YMMV, but I don't think you'll have any problems with the Mini's clean channel on 25 watts. LOUD and stays very clean. I've found that I can dime the master vol with the gain at around 3 o'clock, and it stays clean unless I really hit the strings hard (and I mean HARD!) - and it's plenty loud. I'm just playing through the mini cabinet with the 1X12 V30, so with the 4X12 I can't imagine how you'll have problems hearing yourself.
Yeah I use my Mesa 4x12 usually and occasionally switch to my 2x12 in smaller venues...I heard some people complaining that it might not be loud enough with the clean channel, so I thought why not ask Mini Recto users?:)

How would you guys describe the low end of channel II modern...I just played it in a store at decent volumes and for me there was not much of a difference compared to my Dual Rec and I thought...**** all this bad *** sound out of this little box?!But what about at louder volumes?
I love my Mini Rec as I am able to achieve great sounds in all modes and wattage settings!
While I do agree the Mini Rec can achieve fairly high volume clean sounds through my 212 Recto cab without breakup, I am thinking you will likely need to mic the Mini Rec to achieve best results while playing to 600 people.....especially in the clean channel, but even Ch2 to a lesser extent.

My main rig is a MkV combo with 112 extension cab and it works very well for my needs. While my MkV rig is very capable of cranking out very loud clean, crunch and high gain lead sounds......I tend to mic it anyway because it is very important to control stage volume IMO. That said, I don't gig very often and when I do it is usually a smaller audience than 600 people.

My MkV has been very reliable and has never let me down so far. My backup amp is my Mini Rec, but have not used it live due to my MkV working flawlessly. I wouldn't hesitate to use my Mini Rec as a backup should my MkV let me down, but I would definitely mic either of my cabs (112 or 212) while using the Mini Rec live.

The Mini Rec is a great sounding amp and is a lot of fun to play! :mrgreen:

Best of luck whatever you decide!
Yeah, putting a mic for FOH at the cabinets is a given for sure. I was talking about the sound on stage. I mean currently my Dual is loud enough to deliver volumes that I am not only dependent on a good monitor mixing. I can hear myself without a blasting monitor in front of my. Hearing my amp gives me that comfortable feeling on stage and this is what my question is directed to.

Is the Mini Rec capable of delivering clean volumes during band rehearsals and on stage to deliver a convenient and loud enough clean volumes?
I contacted someone at Mesa and he told me the Mini Rec might be struggling, therefore I wanted to ask users.

Any more stage experiences or experiences with the amp as the main live amp?
For me and my small situation it's not a problem. I can't imagine that the Mini through a 4X12 in addition to some mild supplemental monitoring (not "blasting, just "there") wouldn't be enough to adequately hear yourself. Without knowing the kind of music you all play or having not heard your band, it's a really tough question to answer.
Oh I forgot...

Here is a video of our upcoming DVD....So you can hear what sound we are talking about:)
I don't think the Mini is going to work for you there LOL - stick with the Dual

Nice Tremonti's - especially the "Tribal" - where did you come up with one of those?
Ha, listening to the video impels me to suggest the following: If you want a Mini, use it for practice, rehearsals, and maybe small stuff. If you want to switch your main amp, maybe go up to a Triple Reborn. The new rectos have wonderful clean tones as well as tighter and brighter gain tones. Much better.

You'll find that the big bottle amps have a wider sound as well as a lot more guts and punch. If you can use a 4 x 12 at medium to large venues, I don't think the halfstack is such a problem except maybe on the back.
I don't own that Tribal guitar any more...Sold it on Ebay!It was a normal Tremonti SE with the Tribal design applied later. I also switched the pickups...

Well of couse my setup is quite fine...Dual Rec Reborn all packed in a nice custom case with some effects in a 19" rack (you see it in the video). But it is not very easy to transport:)

But the main problem is that I usually am not able to push the overall volume over 10 oclock with my clean master around 2 oclock and my channel III modern volume at 10 oclock. It is just way too loud and I found the Dual sounds nice only with the overall around 11 or noon.

So I thought about downsizing my rig to just the Mini with a small rack to be more mobile and maybe then I am able to push the power tubes. But now I am not sure cause many tell me the Mini is not capable of producing proper stage volume for me...

Well, ****...Now I don't know if I should spend the bucks on that mini...It is quite to expensive to only use it for home or rehearsal stuff...
Hmm. I find that the real 'recto' volume problem is not the preamp but the speakers. Consider a 2 x 12 for smaller stuff. It would be easier to move than a 4 x 12 and may be better for smaller venues. The Mills Mach212B will give that massive modern sound with a somewhat smaller footprint. The Recto Horizontal 2 x 12 cabs also sound great.
Also have the Mesa 2x12 and use it live from time to time.

What about the low end of the Mini?Of course 6L6s are missing,but what about the low end with higher volumes?
When I tried a Mini it sounded HUGE and really heavy, especially on Modern / 25 watts. The flavour is different than a Dual though. The low end is higher and tighter while the amp has a more complex midrange with a focus on upper mids. The EL-84s have a sound that is unique with all small bottle amps and of course, there is some loss of headroom with the clean tone (When compared to 100watts).
To compare, my old 2 channel Recto sounds wider and more urgent / aggressive.

If your band has lower stage volume it would be fine but it is really a question of how loud your drummer is.

At any rate, acquire the Mini as an addition to your Dual but I would not get it in lieu of the bigger amp.
After hearing your band demo clip......I don't think the Mini Rec would be a good replacement choice for your current DR rig either! If possible, maybe you could buy the Mini Rec with a 15+ day trial period (with full refund option) to audition it while playing with your band to decide for sure, but definitely don't sell your DR to fund a Mini Rec!

Whenever I have listened to live bands playing your style of music.....the drummer and bass player didn't exactly have a light touch! :wink:

BTW....I thought your recorded guitar sound with your existing rig is very good in your demo clips. I am sure there was significant "mix down" from your live sound in the recordings (as all of us do), but your guitar/amp rig sounds very good to me for the style of music you are playing in your demo! :D

I also noticed that you rarely played a clean sound in the demo clip so wonder why you would be so concerned about clean headroom of the Mini Rec if your demo is representative of your overall song/style selections? My guess is probably not.

One final suggestion as a possible alternate amp (not replacement) that might suit your needs well for possible lower stage volumes while still providing great clean/overdrive tones is one that I have been seriously considering, but is not a Mesa Amp.

I am seriously considering purchasing a Blackstar HT Stage 60 (212 combo).....not to replace any of my great Mesa amps, but to possibly offer additional new tonal possibilities. I am very impressed with the versatility of sounds offered by this amp through many different guitars (strats, teles, LPs, PRS, etc.) based on my extensive youtube demo search. For $900 shipped to my is very tempting even though I realize the reliability/quality is probably subpar to my Mesas and is a risk.

The biggest negative I have heard regarding owners of Blackstar amps in general is the quality of tubes provided by manufacturer upon delivery. Some also don't seem to like the stock speakers of the Blackstars. However, many Mesa owners on this forum will immediately replace all tubes and sometimes speakers from their brand new Mesa as well.

Just a thought to consider if you haven't already.

Please folks, don't flame me for this possible consideration. I have been and continue to be very happy with playing through my MB amps! :D
RalfT85 said:
Also have the Mesa 2x12 and use it live from time to time.

What about the low end of the Mini?Of course 6L6s are missing,but what about the low end with higher volumes?

The low end of the Mini...well let's see I've got both bass knobs set below 10 o'clock. The tightest lowend modes are every mode except Vintage gets a hair muddy with too much. But for having EL84s the Modern mode and pushed mode and an extreme amount of good "tight" lowend on tap. Get one with a return policy, play and AB with your Dual and if you don't like it return it.
So I finally got my Mini Rec a week ago and here are my thoughts...

That little beast sounds monstrous, so much better at low volumes. Of course I miss some of the punch and low-end compared to my 6L6 recto...But portability and it's sounds convinced me to keep it. Yeah I loose volume on the clean channel compared to my Dual but I even consider to put together a whole new rig with the mini and use an inEar-system to hear myself better on stage. But the sound of that Mini on normal volumes compared to my Dual is the real deal...Thanks for all your opinions!

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