Mini Rec V4 Driver Tube?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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Hey guys,

Just a question for you. I've had a little problem with my mini rec nothing too serious that a preamp tube replacement hasn't cured. I was getting little headroom on both channels I replaced the v4 tube and it cured the problem. Am I right in saying that the v4 tube is the driver tube that drives the power tubes? If that is faulty its not gonna drive the power tubes enough to give it full headroom?

I'm trying to explain this to the guitar store I bought it from to get the tubes replaced as they are still under warranty. But they are telling me its not a tube issue and that's the way the amp sounds. Even though I've told them I've fixed it. I shouldn't of said anything and got a new mini rec from them lol

Let me know your thoughts


Check your manuel, it will have a tube layout in it. If it's the same as any other Rectifier, v4 is the FX loop tube and v5 is the phase inverter tube driving the power tubes.
R_ADKINS80 said:
Check your manuel, it will have a tube layout in it. If it's the same as any other Rectifier, v4 is the FX loop tube and v5 is the phase inverter tube driving the power tubes.

According to the manual its the Phase Splitter/driver so I'm guessing it is the one that powers the power tubes?
R_ADKINS80 said:
If that's what the manual says, then yes, it is the driver tube for the power tubes.

Excellent thanks for the reply. I'm annoyed the store has told me it "isn't a tube problem" they should know their stuff if they are gonna sell them.

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