Mini and Dual FX Loop Similarities?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
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I just got the mini recto and it kills. So much so that i want a dual rec now to use in the band. (instead of my Mark V)

My Carbon Copy makes my channel three sound like mud butt (the channel i would use most) BUT the CC sounds just dandy in the mini recto...

Are the mini recto and Dual recto FX loops the same? Why doesn't the mini recto have a mix control?

any help greatly appreciated.
NR2112 said:
.... Why doesn't the mini recto have a mix control?
A mix control is only used with a parallel FX Loop to blend (mix) the wet (effect) signal with the dry signal. The Mini Recto has a series loop (the effect is directly in the signal path like stomp boxes chained together) so no need for a mix control.

Ahhh yes. But the Dual Does have a Send Level knob...

Why wouldn't the mini have one of those????
NR2112 said:
Ahhh yes. But the Dual Does have a Send Level knob...

Why wouldn't the mini have one of those????
Probably to help meet it's projected price point. IMO the FX Send level is just a redundant control anyway. The channel masters are your effect Send level controls, the Output control is the FX Return level.

I've used the FX Loop on a Recto ('01 Triple & '07 Roadster) for over 10 years and always had the send level at 12:00 anyway.

Exactly. That's a significant problem that I see with Mesa amps. The Master should be post-FX loop. It is handy to use it as an FX send level, but if you have an FX box that can't take high signal levels, you can't get full power out of the power amp. You would have to add a boost at the end of the FX chain in the loop.

It's never actually been a problem for me because these amps are so loud, but it would be nice to have a real Master.

Anyway, the MR does kill. And I HATE the Carbon Copy. It is specifically designed to be muddy, and is way too dark. You're way better off with something like a Flashback that has a nicer low-pass response, and also does other things well.
elvis said:
Exactly. That's a significant problem that I see with Mesa amps. The Master should be post-FX loop. It is handy to use it as an FX send level, but if you have an FX box that can't take high signal levels, you can't get full power out of the power amp. You would have to add a boost at the end of the FX chain in the loop.

With the MR, it's not that big of a deal, since it has no solo boost. I keep a clean boost in the loop, anyway, so it's not an issue.