Midi Matrix fuse?

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Dec 12, 2008
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Went to buy a Matrix off CL and when I asked the lady to plug it in there was no power. I took a look at the back and the fuse+cover was missing, I did not tell her this and said Id pay half of what she wanted because it didnt work. I kinda feel bad cause she was bailing her son outa jail with the $ but I wont if there is something else wrong so.......

tldr: any owners know off hand what value fuse it is? Im calling MB tomorrow but wanted to see if anyone has one of these dinosaurs.
Mesa didnt have any clue what value it is, kinda disappointed. It says 2 1/2 S.B. under the fuse slot, does this mean 2.5 amps slow burn? Any help or input would be appreciated because ive scoured the internet and no one has one of these really.