Mesa Vintage 30s

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May 10, 2007
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Are the speakers that I buy on the mesaboogie site the same as the Celestion Vintage 30s that I would buy elsewhere? Or are they the special Vintage 30s that Mesa gets to put in its cabs?
go to the mesa boogie webiste, and call their office and ask for customer service. You get voicemail most of the time but they will call you back and you can ask them.
The line from M/B is that the Vintage 30s are the same that you get anywhere else, and the same that go into their cabs, and this has always been true. The MC90s are the only ones that are exclusive. Again, has always been true.

However, for instance, I understood that the Vintage 30s were different for Mesa and certain large OEM customers, customized somehow. In fact, my local Mesa dealer tries to sell me on the idea that the Mesa cabs come with "special" V30s that are much better than what you can buy as a replacement speaker from Celestion. And I see comments that Hellatone 60Ls are the Mesa-spec'd speaker, etc.
It might be that the ones Mesa buys are made in England. Celestion is making a lot of stuff in China now.

I have about 7 Chinese made Heritage 30's that sound fantastic. They are all less than 2 years old though, so we will see how long they last.
LockStock said:
The line from M/B is that the Vintage 30s are the same that you get anywhere else, and the same that go into their cabs, and this has always been true. The MC90s are the only ones that are exclusive. Again, has always been true.

That's not what my Rep told me, but I work for a dealer. Who did you speak to on the phone?

The Celestion speakers Mesa buys are still built in Ipswitch, England, not in China. You cannot buy a british vintage 30 from, say, MF.
The Celestion speakers Mesa buys are still built in Ipswitch, England, not in China. You cannot buy a british vintage 30 from, say, MF.

That's what Rich Duvall, Service Manager at Mesa told me as well.

I have not compared them side by side, but they look really close from the pictures that I've seen.
Just my thoughts here but I would put money on the speakers being exactly the same line...

What reason would there be to have Mesa's batch built in the HQ but everyone elses from the manufacturing in China ... not cost effective for Celestion or Mesa to have a separate special batch.

Then look at the fact that Mesa Pre-Amp tubes are mostly all bought from ElectroHarmonix, wiped clean and re-labled... Most of their hardware comes from Penn-Fabrication in England ...

Mesa are the best in my opinion but they still need to do a lot of things big businessish to get a good living for themselves ...
I know for an absolute fact that Mesa's Celestions are built in the UK. I have seen multiple speakers straight out of amps that say "built in ipswitch, england".

In fact, one of Mesa's stipulations was that Celestion continue production of the greenbacks, v30s, and c90s in England along with the Heritage stuff. This was a point of contention between the two companies but Mesa held their ground and Celestion, fearing the loss of a major OEM customer, changed their plans.
I have to agree with phyrexia, Celestion would have had to have recognized the tremendous loss of business.

Plus, had they not kept making some of them in England, Mesa probably would have gone to an american manufacturer.

They don't appologize for their pricing, why would they put themselves in the position of appologizing for their quality?
Sounds fair, I am convinced now...

In light of this post I tried sending an e-mail to celestion to see how they might word a reply ... the word was: "regular V30's are built in Celestion China ... as for anything special I can't comment based on customer confidentiality" ...

the simple fact that he used the word 'regular' means that there are clearly two lines ...

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