Mesa Triple recto 3 ch questions

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Aug 25, 2006
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Miami, FL
Hey sup?

I've been thinking about getting rid of my nomad and buying a three ch triple recto.

I have a few questions though

THe main reason that I want the triple is because I play a detuned seven string and so I need the headroom. the only thing im worried about is that itll suck at low volumes

will I be able to pull power tubes for practice volumes?

and I keep hearing people say that you cant play fast riffs on rectos. is this true?

I think a dual might be a better idea.....mine sounds great at low volumes (without a hotplate or anything) and has tones of headroom when pushed!

As for faster riffs, with the correct EQ, it is just fine! A swap of the rectifier tubes to JJ GZ34s really helps to tighten things up a bit!

Then, it's a gorgeous amp!
Might consider a Dual for your purposes.

As far as it not being able to do tight riffs, someone better tell John Petrucci and Kim Thial that ;)

But seriously, it's all about how you set up the amp, the presence control is very crucial to this. Different tubes also help this out as well as your pickups.

<---detuned 7 string player with dual
fretboardninja said:
and I keep hearing people say that you cant play fast riffs on rectos. is this true?


Triples ROCK! LOUD hahahah

Dude, I play Trivium, Metallica, Unearth, etc with my Triple, and it sounds WICKED. I love mine, and have never had to push it in any concert setting EVEN WHEN OUTDOORS. I go up against a Stilleto Duece and a Krank Revolution Series 1, and I can easily cut through. NO problems. Great distortion, and awesome sound. Just my thoughts bro.

The only appreciable difference between 100 watts and 150 watts is maybe 3-6 dB, which is barely noticable maybe 1% more headroom.

For fast licks, what Platy says, goes. They do 'em just fine :D

As for the single, dual, and triple, they all sound basically the same (some small variation) but they are all based around that mythical "recto" tone.

As for pulling tubes in a triple, i dont believe you can, as it is not listed in the manual for the dual and triple recs, but I thinkthere might be some other users on the forum who can comment better on this than I can.

Hope this helps!!
kylek said:
The only appreciable difference between 100 watts and 150 watts is maybe 3-6 dB, which is barely noticable maybe 1% more headroom.

For fast licks, what Platy says, goes. They do 'em just fine :D

As for the single, dual, and triple, they all sound basically the same (some small variation) but they are all based around that mythical "recto" tone.

As for pulling tubes in a triple, i dont believe you can, as it is not listed in the manual for the dual and triple recs, but I thinkthere might be some other users on the forum who can comment better on this than I can.

Hope this helps!!

You *can* pull tubes as long as you match the speaker impedence with it, at least that's what I've gathered from posts about this subject.

To the OP: the real question is, do you really want to mess with the hassle of doing that when you can get pretty much the same tones with a Dual and slightly less headroom? I'm not saying there are no difference between the Dual and Triple but it's more a matter of 'the right tool for the right job'
Another praise for the dual. Why would you pay more money for a triple if you want to pull tubes to drop it? That doesn't make sense to me(not trying to be a prick). The dual sounds more like what you want.
Hey guys YES YOU CAN pull tubes out of the triple to make it a dual. I have contaced mesa boogie about this. All you have to do is pull the outter pair of tubes and one rectifier tube. You dont have to do anything else. The reason why mesa does not state this in the triple's user manual is that it would be pointless for them to make a dual rec, because for a hundred more bucks you get the triple which has more power and can be a dual rec if you want it to.
Hey guys YES YOU CAN pull tubes out of the triple to make it a dual. I have contaced mesa boogie about this. All you have to do is pull the outter pair of tubes and one rectifier tube. You dont have to do anything else. The reason why mesa does not state this in the triple's user manual is that it would be pointless for them to make a dual rec, because for a hundred more bucks you get the triple which has more power and can be a dual rec if you want it to.

I contacted Mesa about this also and the tech told me the same thing. But like Platypus said, you also have to match the speaker impedance.

The tech said if I was using 8ohm out then I would need to use 4ohm out when I pulled the two tubes.

You need to "half" the number of ohms, which if I'm not mistaken "doubles" the load that the amp sees. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I tried it and it doesn't do anything very noticeable. Basically all you are doing is giving up a little clean headroom. The Dual and Triple have so much headroom that you would have to be really cranking the amp to even get near the threshold of hearing a difference. IMO.
I *do* think the amps sound slightly different - according to Mesa, the driver circuitry is slightly different. That said, I play a 7, and we're even down 1/2 step, and I've used a Dual with no headroom issues. I like having the extra headroom for cleans, and I do think the triple handles the B (or Bb, in my case) a tad better, but the cab makes more difference than the amp for that. For a 7, I'd recommend a cab with the C90s instead of the V30s, since the V30s have a "mushier" bottom end.

As for not handling fast riffs, don't believe the hype. I've had no issues with that - just use the EQ and gain sanely, and you'll be fine.
Id like to step in as a Triple 3 Channel owner that has owned a Tremoverb previously. I decided to pull 2 tubes out of my Dual TOV and I will tell you that I played the amp like that for about a year. I'll say that the one thing that I did notice other than the drop in presence(interpreted as volume) was that it seemed to suck the tone out of the amp and make it sound smaller and tin - "y"er. Overall I found a better tone just turning the volume down and playing with all 4 tubes in. Also, when I was deciding to move up to a Triple, I had the oportunity to play a single, dual, and Triple a - b - c and keep everything tone setting wise exactly the same and go back and forth. I'll tell you that my perception of the tonal differences behind wattage increases/decreases has completely changed. When it comes down to it, loud is loud! I had a 22 watt Mesa Subway Rocket that would just about blow your ear-drums @ any level past 3 out of 10!! I had a '79 Mesa Mark IIb 60 watt that was almost unbearable decently past 2 out of 10 on the power amp. The biggest differnce I could tell in the wattage differences was the decrease in bottom end @ a particular volume in the lower wattage amplifiers. I like my Triple because it stays bigger without squeezing the bottom end out of it. But thats my ear. Some guys like lower wattage amps because they like the tone in the midrange while some guys like the best of both worlds so they go with Duals. Its to your ear. I would suggest that you try all 3 and dont not buy the triple because you think it will be to loud. Its not about loud, but about girth and sweetness. Try all 3 preferably next to each other!! :wink:
fretboardninja said:
Hey sup?

I've been thinking about getting rid of my nomad and buying a three ch triple recto.

I have a few questions though

THe main reason that I want the triple is because I play a detuned seven string and so I need the headroom. the only thing im worried about is that itll suck at low volumes

will I be able to pull power tubes for practice volumes?

and I keep hearing people say that you cant play fast riffs on rectos. is this true?


Triple Rec's sound tighter to me for some reason.

Get the Triple, your 7 string should benefit from the added headroom at stage volumes, just use a clean boost pedal for lower volume bedroom playing.

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